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Story: Dell's "secret Linux fling" not so secretTotal Replies: 10
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Jan 11, 2007
10:57 AM EDT
The following might help your research.

China Linux Market Will Grow at Annual Rate of 34%, Says R&M

,----[ Quote ] | It is predicted that in China, Linux market (both server and client) | will grow with an annual rate of 34 %. The client-side share growth | will be comparatively faster. `----

Hasee PCs Preinstall Linux Desktop

,----[ Quote ] | Co-Create, founded in 2001, is a Beijing-based software company | specializing in development, production and application of Linux | and the cross-platform office suite sponsored by 8 Chinese | well-known IT companies. | | Co-Create made great achievements in 2006 thanks to the | regulations on the pre-installation of computer operating | system software. Many computer manufacturers, including Lenovo, | HP and Dell all cooperated with Co-Create. 23 Dell computer | models sold in China all completely preinstall Linux operating | systems. `----

,----[ Quote ] | "China has long been seen as a fertile ground for Linux and other open | source software. In a country where more than 90% of software in use | is pirated, it seems like a natural fit." `----

Linux Set to Soar in China

Government says all new PCs must be Linux-friendly

China looks to open-source community for advice

,----[ Quote ] | China is counting on senior members of the open-source community to | help formulate policy ideas to promote open-source software, according | to a local software executive. | | The China Open-Source Software Promotion Union (COPU), a government-backed | industry group, has established a think tank comprised of 19 prominent | open-source executives from overseas to develop a framework for better | international cooperation. `----

,----[ Quote ] | Many such vendors previously sold PCs with free operating systems such as | Linux or none at all... | | Observers believe the Chinese vendors signed their deals with Microsoft | in April under pressure from Beijing, which is trying to show it is | making serious efforts to stamp out piracy -- a major complaint from | many Western governments. | | In late March, the Chinese government went so far as to issue a | decree requiring PC makers to install a licensed operating system on | each machine before it left the factory. `----

China's Linux Adoption Threat to Microsoft?

,----[ Quote ] | Most recently, China has been placing their bets on Linux over Windows as | the dominant OS for their needs. And one of the best examples of this on | the desktop front would have to be with Turbolinux. The distribution has | been so widely accepted by the Chinese that even HP has decided to begin | selling PCs with the OS preinstalled for distribution. But it doesn't | stop there. China has a distribution of its very own; you may know it as | Red Flag Linux. `----

China to produce $125 (Linux) PC

,----[ Quote ] | A Chinese outfit is hoping to release a PC which will hit the shops with a | price tag of $125. `----

Xinjiang Clusters Panasas

,----[ Quote ] | Currently, Xinjiang Oil Company is running 12 Panasas Storage Clusters | in conjunction with 600-node Linux clusters at the company's Department | of Earth Science in western China. | | [...] | | "The object-based Panasas storage solution totally turns things around | by giving us the things we were looking for--high performance, | expansibility, stability, dependability, and simplified management... `----

China gets a lesson on Open Source Intellectual Property Rights

,----[ Quote ] | The Open Invention Network (OIN) hosted a panel discussion in Beijing | last Wednesday, October 11th... The emergence of organizations such as | OIN and Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) is very positive to the | Open Source Movement. It legitimizes the grass roots efforts of Linux | Champions, such as Linus Torvalds and Richard Stallman. `----,39060102,61959441...

Car PCs mount in dashboards, run Linux

,----[ Quote ] | Hong Kong based mini-PC manufacturing specialist SD-Omega has added | a pair of high-end models to its extensive line of more than 20 | Linux-friendly car PC models. The SD631C and PCI-slot-equipped | SD631CH support Intel Pentium M and Celeron M processors at over | 2GHz, and include car-specific features. `----

Behind the upsurge in Chinese open source communities

,----[ Quote ] | Part of the momentum behind this change comes from the Chinese | government, which now regards open source communities as a key to | its software industry and will put more resources toward them in its | eleventh Five-Year-Plan period (2006-2010). "As a banner of China's | Linux industry, Red Flag no doubt has more responsibilities to | advocate the government's new tactic. `----

Ubuntu's official launch in China

,----[ Quote ] | Mark Shuttleworth, founder of the Ubuntu project, was in Beijing | last week for Ubuntu's official China launch. The event was | overwhelmingly successful. `----,39060102,61965081...

RPLinux: China's Answer to the $100 PC

,----[ Quote ] | What do you think? Can China succeed in making a true seamless blend of | their Linux distribution of choice with their home grown hardware? It's | no small feat to be sure; however, I personally believe that they are | likely up to the challenge. `----

Red Hat sees FY07 greater China sales up 100 pct

,----[ Quote ] | Red Hat Inc., a distributor of open-source Linux software, expects its | sales in the greater China region to double in fiscal 2007 and grow by | 85 percent in fiscal 2008, an executive said on Tuesday. "Our plan is to | have 100 percent growth this year, and 85 percent growth next year," | Michael Chen, general manager of Red Hat China, told Reuters in an | interview. `----

China's Digit Digit Adds Linux-based Flames

,----[ Quote ] | The latest version of the VFX system - Flame 2007 - takes advantage of | 64-bit multi-core computing, storage and networking technologies to | provide large productivity gains for users performing compositing, | tracking, color correction and visual effects. `----

China has its own open document format

,----[ Quote ] | Put this in your pipe and smoke it: China has its own open document | format, the Uniform Office Format (UOF), that they are working to | harmonize with ODF... | | All the plotting and planning here in the US was for absolutely | nothing. ODF wins. `----

Converter Enables Conversion Between ODF & Chinese Document Format (UOF)

,----[ Quote ] | Peking University recently released a program to convert office | documents between OpenDocument Format and the Specification for | the Chinese office file format based on XML (UOF for short). `----

Wake Up Morning Post

,----[ Quote ] | Open Source companies in China can't look to the likes of IBM, SUN | and Novell to bring them out of their closets through acquisition, | partnerships or staunching Microsoft's growth. Chinese companies are | going to have to learn to compete as their Western peers have. `----,39060102,61966769...

Treachery In The Trenches

,----[ Quote ] | I believe that most people do not grasp the immense entity of Microsoft. | This is an organization and a man who commands the attention and bidding | of world leaders. On a recent trip to America, the President of China | spent his first evening in the United States, not with our President, | but Bill Gates. He was the guest of the Gates mansion that first | evening and the guest of honor for a dinner attended by over one | hundred people. Why? To ask him to crack down on Software piracy | and to insure that his computer manufacturers put Microsoft Windows | on thier newly made machines instead of shipping them with no OS. He | didn't see the President of the United States for over 36 hours...he | spent that time with Bill Gates at his home and at the Redmond | Campus. `----

IBM to Shift China Focus Toward Tech, Linux

,----[ Quote ] | "Our business is changing, so our investment in China will also | change," said Michael Cannon-Brookes, IBM's vice-president of | business development for China and India. | | He said the technology firm's investments will go to areas such as | IT service, business transformation, Linux operating systems, and | people. IBM has already invested billions of U.S. dollars in China. `----

Red Flag Linux may be next on IBM's agenda

,----[ Quote ] | Jollans also addressed a question about why IBM did not release its own | Linux distribution several years ago. | | "We thought that if IBM was in the market as an 800-pound gorilla, it | would have a negative effect on the Linux market. We won't do something | that sets us against the community," he said. `----


Haansoft Teams Up with Redgate, Targets Linux Market in Asia

,----[ Quote ] | Haansoft said on Wednesday that it had teamed up with domestic | security firm Redgate to reinforce security for 'Asianux.' `----

Consumers in No Hurry for Vista Upgrade

,----[ Quote ] | In a survey of 4,144 members of, a price comparison site, | only 14 percent of respondents said that they will immediately upgrade | to the Vista platform when Microsoft releases it on January 30. `----

First phase of Korea's open-source city is high success

,----[ Quote ] | Following the trend of open source adaptation in major cities worldwide, | one of the major Korean cities, Gwangju Metropolitan City, successfully | jumped onto the open source transition, receiving spotlight from related | industry. `----,39036961,39154...

South Korea's ETRI develops advanced Linux desktop search system, puts end to erroneous results

,----[ Quote ] | On 21st, South Korean R&D firm ETRI announced that they have developed new | Linux desktop search system, 'antbear'. The antbear can analyze and run | advanced text searches, producing more accurate results by precisely | analyzing the search words. `----,39036962,3915404...

An open source development project 'Winter of Code' just got launched!

,----[ Quote ] | Soonseon Kwon, who runs KLDP (Korean Linux Documentation Project) | said, "This is the first ever open source event in Korea and I hope | it will serve as a good opportunity to promote the open source to | Korean students. I also hope that both the students and resulting | projects can put a positive effect on the open source community." `----,39036961,39153...

'Genome Project' Led by Open Source HPC

,----[ Quote ] | The BLAST tool module is highly compatible to run on Linux | platform with advantage of considerably faster result compared | to running on other platform. `----,39036961,39153...

Army Considers Shift to Open-Source Programs

,----[ Quote ] | Following the trend of the nation's government agencies, universities | and post offices, the South Korean military is considering jumping onto | the open-source bandwagon. | | Open source refers to programs, of which source codes are available for | use or modification by anyone. The codes are not owned by an individual | or company. | | [...] | | The Army has shown interest in open-source programs, such as Linux, over | the past few years, and it began two pilot runs with Linux recently. | | It plans to invest up to 400 million won this year to build an education | center for open-source software and establish systems to run war-game | simulations based on Linux. | | In addition, Army computer officials met with Linux experts at the | state-backed Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency (KIPA) late last month | to delve into the feasibility of its Linux scheme. | | "At the request of the Army, we visited them to explain Linux in late | August," a KIPA official said. "We hope it deploys Linux as its main | operating system." | | "If the Army that puts security and stability first selects Linux, it | would provide momentum for the country's open-source initiative since | the decision would assure people of the reliability of Linux," he added. | | Linux is free software that offers an alternative operating system to | the closed-door Windows operating program owned by Microsoft, which | today dominates the global market. | | The Korean government is working to reduce its reliance on Windows by | strengthening the presence of Linux and other open-source programs. | | Korea Post, the country's postal service provider, last year started a | four-year program to install a Linux-based operating system on thousands | of PCs in its nationwide branches. | | A new online information system for schools, dubbed the National | Education Information System, also opted to use Linux-powered platforms | on its 2,331 servers last year. | | In addition, earlier this year, the government designated Kwangju City as | a Linux city and the Gangwon Provincial University as a Linux university. | The two organizations have installed open-source software as their primary | operating systems. `----

Jan 11, 2007
11:16 AM EDT
Most of that's the same "news" we've got here in the states. That so-and-so is "looking to deploy" or "testing" Linux. Occasionaly I see a item on someone actually doing a roll-out, but otherwise it's just smoke.

A few of those are good. Quite a bit is just PR spin though, a company announcing that someone might be looking at their software.

Jan 11, 2007
12:05 PM EDT
China will do as it pleases. That's pretty much always been the case. I just wonder how 'free' their version of Linux will end up being.

Korea, however, is already a real technological powerhouse and seems not to be pleased or willing to put up with any of MS's typical BS. Linux seems to be replacing a lot of the former MS strongholds in Government, the Military, and the private sector. Korean users are more than capable of dealing with the transition.

Jan 11, 2007
12:11 PM EDT
"Most of that's the same "news" we've got here in the states."

Well, geez, aren't you a bucket of cold water? I was about to reply something to the effect, "Stop, stop, you're making me cry!"

"Full support" from the likes of Intel? So, their wireless NICs with closed drivers work in China, how exactly? ndiswrapper, or natively? Wouldn't Theo de Raddt (OpenBSD) like to know?

I wonder if nvidia is one of those "others."


Jan 11, 2007
1:00 PM EDT
jimf, The problem with Korea is that their big websites like daum and cyworld only work properly with Internet Explorer. In addition, they are years ahead of the US for online TV and movies, most likely because of demand from Koreans abroad who have no access to Korean TV and movies otherwise. These sites adore Microsoft so much that they probably give Steve Ballmer free massages when he comes to visit. That type of laziness, combined with a lack of quality free Korean fonts, makes it more difficult to convert to Linux.

Their government has done a lot to support Linux. They also have real enforcement of antitrust laws.

It would be a good thing for all of us if Korea and Japan got on the Linux bandwagon, but they appear too willing to lay down in bed for Microsoft. It seems in the US we offer a more aggressive and vengeful reaction when we get screwed over.

One wild card is that there are a lot of illegal copies of Windows XP in Korea. Every time MS tightens the screws, they make Linux a more viable alternative.

Jan 11, 2007
1:09 PM EDT
> Every time MS tightens the screws, they make Linux a more viable alternative.

That's a universal truth :D

> It would be a good thing for all of us if Korea and Japan got on the Linux bandwagon

I think that Korea probably will, but, I'm afraid that Japan is a lost cause.

Jan 11, 2007
2:19 PM EDT
> I think that Korea probably will, but, I'm afraid that Japan is a lost cause.

I'm not that sure. If China, Korea, India and the rest on the far east jump on the Linux bandwagon, Japan would be the odd man out. Being the odd man out isn't that big of a problem if you get an advantage from it (e.g. being a Linux shop in US or EU) but being the odd Windows shop out in a Linux world offers only drawbacks, no advantage. I think Japan will follow the rest of the east, albeit lagging a few years.

Jan 11, 2007
2:50 PM EDT
> albeit lagging a few years.

Yeah, quite a few years... Remember, these are the guys who invented going down with the ship ;-).

Jan 11, 2007
3:16 PM EDT
Yeah, but Japan has "westernised" quite a lot, aquiring all the bureaucrats, red tape, PHB's, etcetera. Japanese companies used to be very well run in the 80's. Very fast moving and agile. Lean organisations with few management layers and only few managers that were actually quite knowledgable. Those were the times that brought simplified management theories like Kanban. Too bad they have been Dilbertized and now tow the party line of fat management and covering-your-ass. Sony is a brilliant example of this.

Jan 11, 2007
3:51 PM EDT
> Yeah, but Japan has "westernised" quite a lot

I don't doubt it. I worked with a Japanese Co in the 70's and they were already heading in that direction.

Jan 14, 2007
12:27 PM EDT
Intel is a Linux partner in China: see [url= cs_changfeng][/url]

"Using Intel® architecture, the "Changfeng PC" project provided farmers with cost-effective computers that are easy to use and loaded with practical applications."


"Open source software enabled comprehensive solution: The use of the Linux* operating system and open source software enabled Changfeng PC to be preloaded with comprehensive software features and content at an affordable price for farmers."

---- Hardware manufacturers do the right thing in a market where MSFT is small potatoes. It will not be long before that happens in North America. We still have a year or two of a window of opportunity before VISTA DRM locks up everything here. Hollywood, New York and Washington are still thinking they run the last superpower, but it is a dead horse compared to the GNU/Linux community.

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