ho hum

Story: Poll Finds CIOs Considering Linux for mission-critical UseTotal Replies: 2
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Jan 05, 2007
10:30 AM EDT
The fortune 100 company where I'm employed has been using linux as a mission critical infrastructure platform for years.

Jan 05, 2007
12:16 PM EDT
When I worked my first job in Tokyo in 2000, I was installing circuits and routers in the computer rooms of several of the largest investment banks and stock brokers.

All of them were running Linux, but none of them were talking about it, because they considered it a competitive advantage.


Jan 05, 2007
8:16 PM EDT
Quoting:All of them were running Linux, but none of them were talking about it, because they considered it a competitive advantage.

Its funny you say that, I would love to know the number of companies that use Linux and say nothing about it so that they can perceive for themselves a "competitive advantage"?

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