why even talk about them?

Story: Microsoft .NET LATEST STORIESTotal Replies: 1
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Dec 28, 2006
11:33 AM EDT
Sheesh, you don't need an advanced college degree to know that when a person talks a lot about something, they're thinking about it a lot. Duh. When they're saying it to reporters, that's especially meaningful.

I wish there were a way to push all the Microsoft mouthpieces into briar patches. Man, that would be soooo fun.

Dec 28, 2006
12:09 PM EDT
This is Microsoft that we're talking about here - of course we can trust them. It's just a matter of watching previous behavior to predict future behavior and trusting that they'll be consistent.

Oh - you meant take them at their word! Don't be silly - that'd be just plain moronic to take the words of any MS spokesperson at face value.

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