Story: Should Javascript get more respect?Total Replies: 4
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Dec 20, 2006
6:31 AM EDT
Short answer, no.

Mocha, LiveScript, JavaScript, or ECMAscript. If it wants respect it needs to settle on a name.

Maybe PuffyScript or PDiddyScript.

It is hard to work with and quirky.

But it is supported across a wide range of browsers, and it does have a published standard. So it is usefull.

But if it wants respect, it needs to pick one name and stay with it


Dec 20, 2006
6:46 AM EDT
JavaScript is like Windows, the only reason anyone writes for it is because almost everyone has it.

Dec 20, 2006
1:46 PM EDT
Unfortunately it is a very nice language. I usually enjoy writing in it. The only downside is *why* I do it ;)

Dec 20, 2006
3:28 PM EDT

Do you mean Java or javascript?

They are two extremely different things.

Dec 21, 2006
3:07 PM EDT
Oh, I sure do know the difference. Java is my primary development language, and while I work in a web hosting company I get to develop quite a bit in JavaScript too. And I like both languages even if JavaScript is an implementation mess ;)

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