not the money? LOL

Story: Novell: in it for the interop, not the moneyTotal Replies: 3
Author Content

Dec 14, 2006
8:45 AM EDT
Just pure altruism on Novell's part. Gotta give that poor underdog Microsoft a helping hand.

The headline doesn't reflect the content of the article. But it's amusing anyway.

Dec 14, 2006
8:52 AM EDT
TC -

How can you be so cynical?

Why, didn't Jeffrey Skilling just go to jail for that principle? I think. I'm sure it had to do something with corporations shouldn't take money or something like that.


Dec 14, 2006
9:31 AM EDT
> or something like that.

I'll go with something like that. :)

Dec 14, 2006
11:08 AM EDT

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