no duh

Story: Microsoft claims customer mandate for Novell Linux dealTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

Dec 12, 2006
5:39 PM EDT
" Nearly all respondents were said to want to improve Windows/Linux interoperability and have tools that make it easier to manage mixed Windows and Linux environments."

No sheet, Sherlock. This is news? Sheesh.

The devil is in the details, and when Microsoft is involved count your fingers, lock up your valuables, and wear Kevlar.

Dec 12, 2006
5:55 PM EDT
My thoughts exactly. I saw this at desktoplinux earlier. They want interoperability. Never mind all that excess baggage about patents and other trivial stuff like that. Never mind that Microsoft could offer complete interoperability without any deal, as all of FOSS is, well, open source. Never mind that all they would have had to do is open their formats and the Linux vendors would have offered perfect interoperability long ago.

Dec 12, 2006
6:33 PM EDT
This is just the whole problem with microsoft. they talk to the people who have no clue in how to make this stuff work. these people believe everything that steve ballmer tells them.

hello to the 200 cio's or whoever they talked to -

this is for you - get a clue

ODF is an ISO approve standard that anybody can write their software to - it is out in the open for ANYBODY to see. but microsoft doesn't want to bother with it - they would rather go to senators and get legislation passed because someone who knew what they were doing made a decision and now the people who don't know what they were doing made an environment to where that person did not want his job anymore because he did not want to put his family through the politics that his CORRECT decision brought on. i.e false accusations in the local newspaper.

this is the only way microsoft gets in shops - they talk to people who have no clue on how shat works and basically bully, threaten, and force their crap software on companies. why would any of these CIO's say anyting otherwise after they saw what happen in Massachusets.

microsoft want interoperability - they just want their way - they should ask the 200 cio's or whoever they surveyed if they knew what ODF was and if they did have they asked microsoft to offer it in their product.

that is a cio's job. not to have dinners and lunches from microsoft and make monopolist backroom enterprise software assurance deals and believe everything they are told by steve ballmer and company.

again to the CIO's - there was no need for this deal - this deal was to extend microsoft's illegal monopoly and if you don't see that then I would suggest a career change.

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