
Story: Microsoft deal good for Linux - Novell SA chiefTotal Replies: 1
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Dec 11, 2006
3:16 PM EDT
Paying royalties to Microsoft for Free Software they didn't write in exchange for a covenant to not attack that Microsoft can simply decide to cancel and has an expiration? I'll pass. Have fun with that, Novell guys.

Dec 11, 2006
9:15 PM EDT
Quoting: Microsoft deal good for Linux - Novell SA chief

In other news McD say their food doesn't contribute to obesity, the Auto-industry says passive smoking not cars is killing 100's of 1000's of people from lung cancer, the arms industry says guns don't kill people and Bush and Blair say "Iraq? what you on about?, that's not a civil war!"

This post brought to you by the "well they would say that wouldn't they?" Department.

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