Pointing People to the Linux-Friendly Vendors

Story: Let's reward corporations that embrace Free SoftwareTotal Replies: 2
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Nov 29, 2006
5:05 PM EDT
Libervis, you could have pointed folks at the Pre-Installed Linux Database, as a way to help them find Linux-friendly vendors. It might not have been quite the same as what you're saying, but it's definitely related. :-)

Nov 29, 2006
7:30 PM EDT
I agree, everything you said intimated to our database but you made no mention of it. Why?

I think that the work that has been done to create and maintain it is worthy of mentioning in such an article.

Nov 29, 2006
10:07 PM EDT
Well, to be fair, he was addressing the software companies, more so than the hardware side. But I appreciate your agreement. ;-)

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