
Story: Where Do You Want to Go Today? Well…to Linux!Total Replies: 0
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Nov 29, 2006
4:33 AM EDT
After IBM, the Scandinavian governments and the Spanish Police, the French Parliament is embracing the Penguin.

When it comes to the part where it says "Scandinavian governments", they must be talking about Norway. The rest of Scandinavia are most likely the most Microsoft centric part of the world. The governments won't even acknowledge that there are alternatives to Microsoft. Just look at my country (Sweden) where it says in the law that everyone should be able to take part of the decisions that they make. Well, sounds good, if it weren't for the fact that they only use Microsoft Word and Windows Media Video for all their storage soloutions.

As far as I know, there are no plans to look at any alternatives to Microsoft and their services. They'll probably spend huge amounts of money on migrating to Windows Vista during the spring instead.

The only part of the government that does not use Windows is the military communication surveillance (agency?), which uses *BSD in various flavours.

Though there have been talks of the police migrating to Linux, but so far it's only talk.

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