What the...

Story: Linux a computer operating system for the peopleTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Nov 04, 2006
12:34 AM EDT
"The popular free Linux computer operating system being co-opted by corporate technology titans was born of a Finnish university student and a group devoted to no-cost software."

No-cost? Since when has the FSF been about no-cost? The article itself has a quote from the FSF website saying that, in this case, free=liberty, not free=no cost. Well, people are weird.

EDIT: "GNU made the free operating system available under a General Public License (GPL) that requires modifications and derivations to also be public domain in a "share and share-alike" scenario sometimes referred to as 'copyleft.'"

Ok, not as outrageously wrong as in some articles, but FOSS definitely isn't public domain. Weird, weird people.

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