
Story: Oracle Linux rumor puts pressure on Red HatTotal Replies: 0
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Oct 18, 2006
1:00 AM EDT
This whole oracle affair is amusing me quite a bit. It reminds me of IBM. Back in the stone-age of computing they tried to push competitors, Cray for instance, out of the market by using the same variant of FUD: prematurely announcing products and announcing vapourware.

The difference? This time the vapouware is a GNU/Linux distribution. Blimey, yet another distro, that makes everyone in the industry shiver, lol. How many people actually though Ubuntu was going to be the big thing when it was announced the first time?

Anyways, it seems Free Software is used to generate FUD. To bad the FUD is directed against a Free Software competitor. Not to mention that Oracle isn't exactly what you'd call a Free Software company, either. Just imagine Ubuntu announcing a ReactOS release (Rubuntu, yay), that'd be fun. I'd wonder how many percent ms' shares would go down *ggg*

But apart from that, I'm amused by the irony of the situation. To bad all them analysts and mainstream journalists are being so clueless again. Just another bit of proof that they haven't really grokked yet what makes Free Software tick.

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