moving from gpl2 to gpl3

Story: This week at LWN: Busy busy busyboxTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

Oct 12, 2006
3:21 PM EDT
the summary of the article misses the juicy part. namely how disagreements over a move to the gpl3 affect the busybox project.

so even if you don't care for busybox, but you do care about the gpl, then you should read this article.

i almost missed it myself, i was just curious about scott's comment (which i have not figured out btw :-)

greetings, eMBee.

Oct 12, 2006
3:43 PM EDT
> the summary of the article misses the juicy part.

Looks like a rerun of what's already been hashed over extensively on LXer. I do think this is a real world example of what will be happening all over.

Oct 12, 2006
6:55 PM EDT
mbaehrlxer: I messed up and linked to subscriber content last week.

Stupid is as Stupid does.


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