how can it be unfixable

Story: Alleged 'Unfixable' Exploit in FirefoxTotal Replies: 3
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Oct 03, 2006
5:22 AM EDT
If it can't be fixed it must be something to do with the whole way the laws of the universe work. I'll elaborate: - un-fixable either means impossible to fix, if it is impossible to fix it means there is no other way to do it, if there is no other way to do it I suggest it means the entire foundation of the universe prohibits any other way of doing it.

So I assume they mean "if this problem existed in IE it would be uneconomical to fix" which would be a simple lie because can you imagine M$ not having their own browser?

So on a similar logic can you imagine there not being a free software web browser? In which case there can be a fix, it just might be a fundamental over haul to make it work.

Oct 03, 2006
5:30 AM EDT
> a fundamental over haul to make it work

Depends on what you mean by 'work'. Are you defining that as the traditional time over distance? :)

Oct 03, 2006
9:28 AM EDT

Perhaps it's unfixable if you've got Microsoft engineers....

Oct 03, 2006
9:41 AM EDT
> Perhaps it's unfixable if you've got Microsoft engineers....

Ya think....

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