Noble ambition, but...

Story: What would Jesus download? Maybe Ubuntu CETotal Replies: 2
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Oct 03, 2006
12:05 AM EDT
...the Web is a wild place.

Those filters are going to be sweating hard, trying to keep browsers away from obnoxica, let alone “heretical” material. It’s much more practical to depend on well-trained good character for that sort of thing (religious or not, it’s the quality of the person’s character which matters).

Filters are an uphill battle every step of the way.

Oct 03, 2006
2:23 AM EDT
I'd also suggest that if people are trying to 'protect' their children, then, they'd better be willing to spend real time monitoring and mentoring rather than handing off the obligation to a filter or app of any kind.

Oct 03, 2006
4:52 AM EDT
I wouldn't stop there. If you really want to protect your children from things you don't think they should know about, take away their internet connections completely. Also, take away their access to TV's, radios, printed media, friends and strangers. You probably shouldn't even let them out of the house.

Of course, make sure you're around to take the bullet when they're in the bell tower.

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