Is it just me?

Story: Is XGL Really Worth It?Total Replies: 10
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Sep 20, 2006
11:38 PM EDT
...or do there seem to be a series of articles "on the net" that basically say "unless you are of above average intelligence with a penchant for fiddling, don't bother with Linux". Curious, seeing as how we're getting close to Vista release time.

It's not that I necessarily disagree, just that I keep reading articles that tell me "not to bother with Linux unless I'm a born again geek".

And such co-incidences get the old paranoia going.

Sep 21, 2006
12:28 AM EDT
Noo... I'm sure that some serious effort is going into that. And there will be some who buy into it.

Sep 21, 2006
2:58 AM EDT
Did you guys read this? Doesn't read like Microsoft "inspired" FUD.


Sep 21, 2006
3:46 AM EDT
I think the 'only smart people use Linux on the desktop' idea is simply what people think the current state of GNU/Linux development is. Compared to a few years ago there is lots to be happy about. Back then it was 'Linux is coming into its own in the server room.' All in all we can't be too upset about that, but of course adoption always comes too slow...

I thought, or was hoping, that this thread would be about itself. Is it just me or is it really just a rag? I don't think there is a strong PR influenced editorial line on that site, just lots of bad articles.


Sep 21, 2006
4:16 AM EDT
Dino: maybe it's just good masquerading? The impression I get from reading the article is that Linux may be "good" for rare crop of "advanced users", but the distro makers are still *unprofessional* (they "don't earn cash" so they can afford to make crappy products). Something like that.

Sep 21, 2006
5:13 AM EDT
>ABCC: 'only smart people use Linux on the desktop'

I couldn't agree more.

Sep 21, 2006
5:31 AM EDT
Quoting:>ABCC: 'only smart people use Linux on the desktop'

I couldn't agree more.

Me either.

Perhaps we need a new acronym. The opposite of FUD. SCA (Security, Certainty and Assuredness).

Here's is my first piece of SCA.

"Only dumb people use Windows."

Sep 21, 2006
7:14 AM EDT
SFN: Is that the opposite of FUD, or just smugness? ;-)

It should be obvious that smart people use GNU/Linux on the desktop. However, I know some uneducated and technically illiterate people who must be pretty smart, since they also use GNU/Linux on the desktop.

Sep 21, 2006
7:23 AM EDT
From the article:

Quoting:For the advanced Windows user, however, interested in moving onto something new, I would consider Linux. So long as you understand that each distribution is as different as night and day, then you ought to be fine.

This doesn't smell right. Windows and GNU/Linux may be as different as night and day, but I think saying this for different GNU/Linux distros is pushing it a bit too far.

The biggest difference between two distros pretty much comes down to package managers, but it is still the same basic system underneath running all the applications that run on any other distro. I just don't think making it appear as if the difference is so extreme bears much truth.

My although possibly overly sensitive FUD detector shouted "FUD" here, but the article as a whole, as dinotrac noted, doesn't seem all too MS inspired. Maybe some mis-notions just get out "accidentally".


Sep 21, 2006
7:30 AM EDT
Quoting:SFN: Is that the opposite of FUD, or just smugness? ;-)

Um, yes.

Quoting:It should be obvious that smart people use GNU/Linux on the desktop. However, I know some uneducated and technically illiterate people who must be pretty smart, since they also use GNU/Linux on the desktop.

True but how many well-educated and highly technically literate people do you know who use Windows? At least, by choice.

Sep 21, 2006
8:55 AM EDT
"I thought, or was hoping, that this thread would be about itself. Is it just me or is it really just a rag? I don't think there is a strong PR influenced editorial line on that site, just lots of bad articles."

Agreed. :)

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