running ff-2.0b2 now

Story: Firefox 2.0 beta 2 boasts enhanced look, featuresTotal Replies: 6
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Aug 31, 2006
7:50 PM EDT
I just downloaded it and am running it on SuSE 10.0. ff-2.0b2 is noticeably snappier than 1.5.0 and even 2.0b1. No downside that I've seen so far .

Now, if it can survive myspace without crashing I'll be really impressed...

Sep 01, 2006
2:10 PM EDT
Yeah, mine auto-updated itself this morning and is visibly faster at page-loading then even Beta 1. I did a double-take. Kudos. This is a huge improvement over the last beta.

Everything seems faster: new tab creation, tab closing, page loading, etc. Anyone else using 2.0b2? I want to know if this is for real or if I'm on crack.

Sep 01, 2006
7:01 PM EDT
It's for real. I've been visiting pages and doing things on sites that would quickly lock up firefox 1.5.0.x every time (myspace, anyone?) and ff-2.0b just keeps on trucking. I like it, it's already much more stable than ff-1.5 for my needs.

Sep 02, 2006
2:38 PM EDT

You mean that the auto-update feature now works for Linux too?!

That would be huge!

Sep 02, 2006
4:18 PM EDT
What do you mean, "linux too"? AFAIK the ability to auto-update firefox was not missing from the linux version. It's just that linux won't let an arbitrary user alter system files. It will however gladly allow auto-update to be done done by if the permissions & ownership are kosher.

Then again, he may have been talking about a linux-style update, (yast, apt, yum etc) which updates any and all applicable packages on the system, regardless of whether the package itself has any such update capability...

Sep 03, 2006
4:46 PM EDT
I installed firefox beta 1 into my home directory, since I wasn't sure if it would be any good to install system wide, so the update worked perfectly fine because it wasn't installed into /opt or /usr/local, where my joe-user login doesn't have write permissions.

Sep 03, 2006
4:54 PM EDT
Ah, I see - I still have the suse-supplied ff 1.5 package installed, but installed the ff-2.0b2 into /usr/local/firefox, so there is no clash whatsoever as the file locations are different.

I chowned /usr/local/firefox to my userid, since I'm the only user of ff-2.0beta on this box, and that makes the updates appear to just work.

I can go back and forth between the 2 browsers with no problem, and that helps highlight the stark differences between the two.

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