Broken ?

Story: Why Is Firefox For Linux So Terribly Broken?Total Replies: 15
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Aug 07, 2006
6:23 AM EDT
I have been running Firefox on Linux (though not on the distributions mentioned) and I do not have any problems. I regularly visit and I haven't seen any issue. The issue could probably be one the plugins.

Aug 07, 2006
7:48 AM EDT
As a linux user I have noticed that firefox will simply freeze and begin chewing up all the cpu and ram in its power, after e.g. visiting a myspace page.

It's all well and good to say "it's the plugins" but the fact is, a browser without plugins renders most of the interesting internet sites unusable. More significantly, konqueror and opera don't seem to have the same problems.

Aug 07, 2006
8:50 AM EDT
I think avasaralak means extensions, not plugins as in flash et. al. The web is perfectly usable without extensions. Especially web developer oriented extensions and debuggers can eat up a lot of resources on a broken page.

Aug 07, 2006
8:57 AM EDT
I use Firefox on Linux a fair bit, mostly for sites that Konqueror has problems with. It runs OK, I'm just tired of it following the Gnome/Windows philosophy of retarded user interface. It's either too simpleiminded or too complex; if you can't do what you want in the menus you have to do the about: foo dance or hunt down the secret undocumented config files.

For example, check out the font configurator. It's under "Content", which is bizarre enough, then you have single default font choice. Dumb, when you need a minimum of two for most sites to render correctly: a monospaced font and a proportional font. You still can't print from the Print Preview page, And in their zeal to reduce the menu options to nothing, why is there still a JavaScript console item? I'm sure that users who are confused by two font options are going to be heavy users of that.

It takes too many clicks to add Bookmarks. With Konqueror, for one example, you can add a bookmark to any of your bookmark folders with one click.

Then it has Windows 95 features, like dropdowns in the urlbar and textfields that steal focus, so you can't click in another app or use your keyboard. Keyboard and mouse-clicks are hopelessly confused; a lot of keyboard shortcuts have disappeared, and you end up in weird situations like if the search popup fails to find your string, you can't dismiss it with the keyboard, you have to click in it, then hit esc to make it go away.

Oh, and don't forget how minor updates break whole bales of extensions and you have to find and edit the sekkrit config files to make them work again.

It has a lot of nice features, like the Clear Private Data button and easy plugin and theme installations. I'm happy that Windows users are actually replacing IE with it. I just refuse to worship the darned thing, and I agree with Caitlyn that non-Windows users are second-class citizens to the Firefox team.

Aug 07, 2006
9:31 AM EDT
tc -

I also use Firefox as a second browser, mostly to see flash sites. I have a 32-bit firefox and 64 bit konqueror, and flash don't know 64 bit.

Firefox is nice enough -- but I find Konqueror more pleasant to use.

On the Windows machine I need to use for work, however, Firefox rocks.

It is quick and stable and it only needs to beat IE, not Konqueror.


Aug 07, 2006
9:47 AM EDT

Aug 07, 2006
10:33 AM EDT
Steve -

Y'know, I think I've used that before (not by design -- probably set up automagically for me). I didn't realize it could cross word-size boundaries. Cool.


Aug 07, 2006
11:17 AM EDT
I think (and I could be wrong) that the OP's point was that if it were broken, it wouldn't work for anybody.

Aug 07, 2006
11:38 AM EDT
> but I find Konqueror more pleasant to use.

I'm partial to Opera myself, but, I have Firefox and Konqueror as backup, and occasionally use them to see what they're doing. I was pleasantly surprised with the progress that Konqueror has made in the latest KDE 3.5.4... Quite impressive. Closing in on Opera, and, really nipping at the heels of Firefox. I still have a few minor picks, but there's no doubt that Konqueror is now a serious contender.

Aug 07, 2006
3:19 PM EDT
I have to admit that FF did not work for me from between 1.0.7 to 1.5. I tried installing it different ways and all kinds of stuff and it still wouldn't render pages even close to correctly. I got used to using Mozilla and I will say that it is faster, and it downloads faster as well. I still use it when I want something as fast as I can get it.

For some reason when I installed SuSE 10.1 everything was fine. Firefox worked, and it continues to work well and without incident. I have the extensions I want and the look too.

I will say that I use Konqueror to surf too. It is the only browser that will render the site I visit from time to time. Its the funny cartoons and streamed comedy that make me go back.

Opera looks great but is a pain in the ass to use, that's my opinion anyway.

Aug 07, 2006
3:30 PM EDT
It's probably one of your plugins, or perhaps it's your distro choice. Some distros don't make a stable Firefox, I'm sorry.

Aug 07, 2006
3:40 PM EDT
I can't argue with you there supermike, it did work on every other distro I tried it on.

But you see the problem I have, I am pretty much stuck on SuSE. I can't help it.

I have gotten really, really used it. I try and keep trying out other distro's but I am hooked on SuSE. I feel at home with it. I know how to make it do what I want it too.

So I guess using SuSE was more important than a working Firefox, yeah, I'll admit that. That's easy. I was never that broken up about it though, I mean, there's no crying in Baseball, right?


Aug 07, 2006
4:19 PM EDT
> Opera looks great but is a pain in the ass to use, that's my opinion anyway.

I feel the same about Firefox... I suggest that you need to optimise your setup.

Aug 07, 2006
6:18 PM EDT
> I am pretty much stuck on SuSE. I can't help it.

I know exactly how you feel, except in my case it's Slackware. :)

Aug 07, 2006
9:05 PM EDT
What? I give you something like "Opera looks great but is a pain in the ass to use..." and all you got for me is "..I suggest that you need to optimise(sic) your set-up"!?!?! I expect greater things from you jimf.

Now you get back to your computer and you bring me something worth gettin' uppity over, go on, git.

You heard me, git!



Aug 07, 2006
11:54 PM EDT
Well, actually I can Scott... Browsers are pretty much the same, a matter of choice, They render pretty much the same, and, all can be set up 1000 ways from Sunday. Keystrokes, skins, tabs or not, all the way you want it to look and act.

What do I care If Scott_Ruecker doesn't like Opera because he doesn't know how to set it up.... It may not be charitable of me, but, seriously, It's not worth my time and effort to get into a 'browser war' over it.... Which is exactly why I use Opera :D

I 'can' get Opera and Firefox to configure and perform virtually identically.... But, there's the rub...

With Firefox, every time there is a new version, one inevitably has to reinstall plug-ins, and, bookmarks. many times, the latest and greatest versions don't even have those version compatible plug-ins available. So... wait for the new tabextensions, or, go with the crap stock setup? If I'm doing a new volume install, I'll loose the user account and so bookmarks have to be imported from 'somewhere' too. All this really isn't that bad 'once', but, over the years, I must have lost days configuring it.

Opera is equally difficult to set up... maybe more so, but I only have to do it 'once'. And If I do a new install, I only have to dump the .opera directory into my home and it works... First time, every time, with all the bells and whistles. So why Opera? Given equal results, I'll take the lazy and reliable way any time.

If you'd like me to be charitable, show me a screen shot, and a list of plug-ins you use for Firefox. I'd be happy to show you how To do an equivalent Opera set up.

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