It's missing a "minus" sign

Story: Market slide: SCO Group's stock falls to $2.28 per shareTotal Replies: 3
Author Content

Aug 03, 2006
3:33 AM EDT
That would better reflect the value of SCOX’s position.

Aug 03, 2006
4:13 AM EDT
Also, after the minus sign addition the decimal point needs to be moved at least one if not two spaces to the right.

Aug 03, 2006
5:14 AM EDT
If this keeps up it'll hit $1,- soon. IIRC hitting $1,- means you get delisted, right?

Aug 03, 2006
6:45 AM EDT
No. They can do a reverse stock split to keep the per share price above a dollar. Basically, a 1:2 reverse sock split would replace each 2 shares with 1 share of stock at twice the price. So if you own 1000 shares at $2.27 today, you would have 500 shares at $4.54 after the reverse split.

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