Reminds me of what Oracle really should do

Story: Ibm to Support Xen Virtualization Through SuseTotal Replies: 1
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Jul 18, 2006
10:51 AM EDT
So IBM, rather than reinvent the wheel, will simply utilize an existing "free" Linux distribution to then resell support for it.

All the rumors about Oracle "creating (or buying) a Linux distribution", and here IBM shows them exactly how to do it: Pick one, darnit, then use it.

Of course, I think they should pick Debian Stable. After all, what is the point? STABILITY! Build the product sold today with Debian Stable, get all the security fixes that Debian is known for, then when the next Stable is out either provide an upgrade path or keep the archive open for a few years for the cheap-skate customers who won't upgrade. Bingo boingo, problem solved.

Jul 18, 2006
10:57 AM EDT
Well, the're kinda comitted to SuSe :).

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