pipsqueak strategy

Story: Larry sets sights on Red Hat’s customersTotal Replies: 5
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Jul 09, 2006
3:23 PM EDT
What is this obsession with Red Hat? In the Linux world they are big, but in the world they are very tiny. If Ellison thinks that poaching Red Hat customers is the path to riches, he's misplaced quite a few decimals.

Jul 09, 2006
4:24 PM EDT
What fun is it being a zillionaire if you can't strut around posturing and blowing hot air?

It's that JBoss purchase that Matthew said wouldn't affect RH's relationship with Oracle. Threats from Larry? Patent suits from out of the woodwork?


Too bad JBoss didn't come with a 90 day return policy.


Jul 09, 2006
6:17 PM EDT
What are we going to do when the current crop of megalomaniacs are all senile?

Jul 09, 2006
6:37 PM EDT
Senility may actually be the norm for megalomaniacs grouch, so, we'll probably never know till they keel over.

Jul 10, 2006
5:27 AM EDT
I wish him good luck...

An article in CIO recently had red hat at tops for customer satisfaction due largely to their support.


I'd shoot for something he can actually attain...cuz there's no way he's going to win customers.

Jul 10, 2006
6:55 PM EDT
This is interesting. One guy made a comment last year to the effect that two sales 'kids' showed up "wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a shrinkwrap box, wanting to know whether they could install it now". The company was expecting an experienced senior sales rep, and quickly showed the kids to the door. The attitude was, "come back when your daddy can come with you." It gave me the impression that Red Hat's sales force left a bit to be desired. Not sure if that was merely a local issue, a one-time incident or what.

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