Warren Woodford, License Expert, esq.!

Story: Widespread Linux GPL Violations AllegedTotal Replies: 11
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Jun 29, 2006
9:52 AM EDT
Warren ignored various community requests for source code (we're talking 2004 timeframe here) by never providing source code for anyone to download. We pointed this out and the entire community jumped down our throats defending WW and trashing anything we stated contrary to the subject.

Another license issue...acroreader. WW lost dotmepis.org because of this license issue...he refused to answer questions from the community then attacked dotmepis.org for bringing up the subject. Everyone roasted the admin alive defending WW.

In closing...WW can easily defeat this problem. Host his sourcecode at MEPIS and then synch it once a month with his home "garage" repository. Use your brain Warren...you don't have to do a ton of work...we're talking about a small repository. It's not like you have to synch up the Debian Repository.

Quoting:"He thinks that "of the 500 distributions tracked by DistroWatch, probably 450 of them are in trouble right now per this position"

I highly doubt this. I went through the top 20 and most of them have source code available right from the get go. Nice try to deflect blame. Though it does make WW look like a whining crybaby...kind of like a kid who gets caught at something and then rats out everyone else in his tantrum.

Quoting:There's no easy, quick way to pull down the "untouched" source code a developer used from an upstream distribution as the basis for his particular version of Linux.

Host your project at sourceforge. Use it to track your source changes. Stop working by the seat of your pants in your garage.

Quoting:"So, for example, say I released Steven's Special Penguin Sauce Linux..."

Ew? Anyone else have a gag reflex on this one? lol

Jun 29, 2006
11:22 AM EDT
Yeah, I'm reading SJVN's stuff with more skepticism these days. I used to think he was pretty clueful, but one of us has changed.

Jun 29, 2006
3:13 PM EDT
I take it as whining. Where does Warren think the Debian folks get their sources from?

Here's my GPL'ed program: MyPetProject

Debian gets it, and includes the source code. Doesn't it make sense that the next person also has to include the source code? Oh. I'm sorry. I'm assuming "common" sense. Please excuse me.

I think the GPL FAQ covers this very issue. Seems like I read something very similar over there some time ago.

SJVN sounds an awful lot like Rob Enderle on this one.

Jun 29, 2006
7:05 PM EDT
That's been Warren's traditional response. Rather than complying with the ruling, it's just more spin and FUD, and, this is in spite of the fact that he's known about the problem for a long time. The worst part is that his loyal followers pick up on this and continue to minimize the problem. That was one of the main reasons why I left. Not good for Linux or the GPL.

Jun 29, 2006
7:14 PM EDT
Yeah, while Mepis is a very good distro, I don't think putting up with Warren's antics is worth it. It's a shame, as I'm only about 30 miles as the crow flies from Morgantown.

Jun 29, 2006
9:10 PM EDT
Morgantown? What state?

Jun 29, 2006
9:33 PM EDT
Virginia.... opps sorry West Virginia

Jun 29, 2006
9:45 PM EDT
There's a Morgantown, KY not many miles from me.

Jun 29, 2006
11:08 PM EDT
Warren's in WV.


Jun 30, 2006
3:52 AM EDT
The weird thing is that WW probably has the sources locally anyway. As soon as he makes a change to a library (say, glibc or something else) he must give it a different version name/number to prevent conflicts with upstream packages. This means he has to recompile all programs depending on those libraries.

That's exactly the problem Ubuntu has as well. Ubuntu changed glibc a bit and now virtually all packages need to be compiled for Ubuntu (and "pure" Debian packages throw apt errors when installing).

Jun 30, 2006
5:39 AM EDT
Quoting:That's been Warren's traditional response. Rather than complying with the ruling, it's just more spin and FUD, and, this is in spite of the fact that he's known about the problem for a long time. The worst part is that his loyal followers pick up on this and continue to minimize the problem. That was one of the main reasons why I left. Not good for Linux or the GPL.
I remember he knew about this even before dotmepis...which means it was circa first part to mid 2004. So he's known about it for 2 years...thought that no one would care (his "community" members obviously don't...else they wouldn't still be there) and that he could just shuffle along without doing it.

If there is one thing I know...it's that WW doesn't want to release ANYTHING. Try getting him to open meauto. That won't happen. And the funny thing is...I have a sneaking suspicion that meauto may have a GPL base.

I sure hope someone tells SJVN what a tool he's being currently. All the requirements for GPL are spelled out in the FAQ http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html

I guess SJVN was too busy brewing "Steven's Special Penguin Sauce Linux" to read a simple FAQ...which makes him seem a journalist of newbish fashion. He's currently STAUNCHLY defending Warren on the forums. Funny thing about the GPL is the FAQ clearly states the requirements: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#GPLRequireSourcePos...


Jun 30, 2006
9:45 AM EDT
> All the requirements for GPL are spelled out in the FAQ

I thought so. I found this (seems more relevant): http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#DistributingSourceI...

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