Since FUD never changes, it's a static target, no?

Story: Fud Never ChangesTotal Replies: 3
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Jun 25, 2006
7:48 PM EDT
It seems an obvious place to start a FOSS project: FUDwiper? Dynamic collection of antiFUD recipes.

Jun 25, 2006
7:55 PM EDT
I have to admit, Microsoft's lack of creativity WRT FUD is surprising, even for them.

It might have been fairly effective when very few companies knew that they were using Linux.

However, once they started to discover the assorted Samba boxes, web servers, and development boxes that were flying under the radar, the jig was well on its way to up.

Companies are using Linux now -- and letting if fly on the radar screens. FUDs not so effective against something you've put your hands on.

Jun 25, 2006
9:23 PM EDT
OK, I like that.

Now... how do we take it from "ineffective" to "embarrassing" to use FUD against us?

Jun 26, 2006
2:26 AM EDT
hio -

I don't know. I think it's getting pretty close to embarassing now.

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