author of the Other Linux Cookbook

Story: Emacs tips: More fun with outlinesTotal Replies: 2
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Jun 21, 2006
9:12 PM EDT
well actually he wrote the original one. The second edition is huge and wonderful. This article almost makes me like emacs.

Jun 21, 2006
10:44 PM EDT
Oh, emacs is great! I'm really glad Stallman wrote this cool little virtual OS! Puts VMWare to shame. :-D

Jun 22, 2006
2:25 AM EDT

I haven't seen his 2nd edition, but Stutz's first one, online, helped a lot of newbies get over their fear of the command line. I know this because I pointed so many to it and received feedback from them later.

The first time I saw a mention of your Cookbook, I thought someone was just trying to capitalize on Stutz's work. That was before I'd ever read any of your articles.

(BTW, it appeals to my twisted sense of humor to know that "The Linux Cookbook: Tips and Tricks for Everyday Use" by M.S. helps people get off of MS, and that "Linux Cookbook" by C.S. doesn't require a degree in CS to use.)

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