Facing it

Story: Linux Peanut Gallery Razzes Microsoft TransitionTotal Replies: 2
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Jun 20, 2006
8:21 AM EDT
> Face it, if Microsoft wasn't around to abuse, we'd have to make it up.

Face it, we wouldn't have to make up anything. Sun, Oracle, IBM, ... would be happy to help us out :-)

Jun 20, 2006
7:36 PM EDT
But it's hard to imagine any of them being world-class weenies like Microsoft. At least Sun, Oracle and IBM ship good products. Dominating the market with pure crap is...well, I guess that's a noteworthy achievement, after all.

Jun 21, 2006
2:18 AM EDT
Hey! TC, Excel is pretty darned good. SQL Server used to be pretty darned good, and I hear it still is, but haven't been near it in a long while. Microsoft Word for DOS was a pretty darned good word processor.


Whether or not Microsoft can actually DEVELOP any good products, they have shipped a few.

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