this guy is nuts

Story: Can't I Just Click on Something? Debian package management from the perspective of a total newbieTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Jun 17, 2006
10:56 PM EDT
While I know a number of people who actually like aptitude, Synaptic is a far more capable, configurable and user friendly app, regardless of whether or not you're a noob. I also don't understand the 'keeping aptitude a secret' thing. Aptitude is the interface used in the text install for both stable, and testing. It's included in every basic install.

Jun 18, 2006
4:45 AM EDT
The first paragraph of this "article" presupposes a set of circumstances/environments that are extremely rare in any Linux Distro I have used in the past two years. He is basing his entire article on what many could perceive as untruths. CIP:

"What can sometimes happen is that the system breaks when packages are added to the collection which the distro provides by default. And when packages are removed from the provided collection, no-longer-necessary «helper» programs may be left behind, or «orphaned..."

What? Oh, he is talking about Microsoft Windows...I KNEW he couldn't be talking about a Linux Distro coded in the 2000 year-set.

OK boys and girls...I'm off to scream at a few choice Senators and Congressman. Wish me luck or stand by to post my bail...either one will do.


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