
Story: Microsoft offers schools in Mass. free softwareTotal Replies: 1
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Jun 14, 2006
7:08 AM EDT
"Ted MacClean, general manager of Microsoft New England, said Microsoft is looking to expand its name at schools in Massachusetts, but is not trying to monopolize the market."

people just go right and defend microsoft without any accusations being thrown at them.

if they have to defend something so bad then they must be trying to do it.

just for the uninformed microsoft is and always will be a convicted monopoly - they have shown no signs of changing their tactics despite the hand slaps from the DOJ.

Jun 14, 2006
7:17 AM EDT
You do know they acknowledged they have not fulfilled their obligations under court supervision, don't you? Maybe they need a tougher supervisor, such as the guy supervising them in the EU. ;-)

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