Weird perception

Story: Firefox gains ground in May; but only justTotal Replies: 5
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Jun 07, 2006
5:56 AM EDT
So, if I read the article correctly, IE lost 1.71% of the market and Firefox gained 3.42% of the market. Yet, the author seems dismissive of Firefox. Weird.

Jun 07, 2006
7:42 AM EDT
Or, stated more correctly, IE market share shrank by 1.9% while Firefox share grew by 51%.

That Firefox growth is going to start hurting!!

BTW --

Did you notice that the author talked about firefox 1.0 + 1.5 while only talking about IE 6.0.

Perhaps he didn't want you to know that the modest growth in IE 6.0 is almost certainly the result of people coming from IE 5.5 or IE 5.0.

And, of course, let us not mention the "change your user agent" effect caused by people with browsers like Konqueror, Opera, and Firefox twiddling to get by brain-dead code that won't let you in without some flavor of IE.

Jun 07, 2006
9:26 AM EDT
Also not to be forgotten is that these figures are for the NZ market (a very small one) not the global market.

Jun 07, 2006
9:31 AM EDT
> Perhaps he didn't want you to know that the modest growth in IE 6.0 is > almost certainly the result of people coming from IE 5.5 or IE 5.0.

"Almost certainly"? Funny sense of humor you have. I did the numbers: IE total went from 88.54 to 86.83 percent.

Has anybody figured out what connections there are between these "analysts" and the monopoly we all love?

Jun 07, 2006
9:48 AM EDT
why mvermeer, that's downright paranoid. How could you ever think such a thing of a profession know for integrity, intelligence, and insight. Geez.


Jun 07, 2006
11:54 AM EDT
> Has anybody figured out what connections there are between these "analysts" and the monopoly we all love?

Why no. Of course not. Hans wasn't able to uncover anythin at all suspicious in his article either:

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