Splunk Splunked out of My Toolbox

Story: OSUOSL Splunks its logsTotal Replies: 0
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May 26, 2006
5:44 AM EDT
I tried splunk a few months ago to monitor logs at my current job. Now while it looks great on paper, it really isn't that grand...mainly because you only get a 30 day trial before you have to buy a license and you can only index 400MB of data a day before having to buy a license.

I'm thinking that a perl script and htdig could do this just as easily. Perhaps someone should take the wind out of their sails by starting a project that is completely open source and GPL.

One thing is certain, the software isn't libre but verbage makes it 'seem' so.

The verbage in their license agreement is questionable: http://www.splunk.com/index.php/articles/news/66

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