Story: Ems Software Development ships EMS SQL Query 2005Total Replies: 4
Author Content

May 03, 2006
9:23 AM EDT
We are glad to present for you the new useful GUI-based administrative and developing tool - S.Q.Lap's SQL Assistant for Oracle. Abilities of the application: 1) SQL Editor allows execute SQL statements, scripts and PL/SQL blocks,preview the explain plan, export data to text and SQL*Loader control files, use code completion and query history for quick return to earlier executed statements. 2) Schemas,Functions,Procedures,Packages,simple and partitioned Tables,Indexes,Constraints,Views, Triggers creating and management. 3) Security management (Creating and management roles and profiles, grant and revokes privileges. Creating and management users accounts, checking and recompiling users invalid objects). 4) Sessions management, SQL monitoring, start/stop sessions tracing, and show results. 5) Redologs and Tablespaces management. (Creating and checking redogroups,redologs file, creating tablespaces, management and resizing datafiles) 6) Improved GUI-based useful and fast interface for the Oracle Logminer (view/run stored statements for the executed transactions (redo and archivelogs)), no additional installations required. GUI-based interface for Oracle Import/Export utilities. (More simple and fast redo/archivelogs analyze, data and objects transfering) 7) Supports useful preview and saving images into BLOB/CLOB fields from clipboard.


You can download 30-days trial version of S.Q.Lap's SQL Assistant from http://www.bigupload.com/d=DF9F792C You can find detail description of application in the users manual (sqlapmanual.doc in ZIP-archive). If you interest, please write your questions and suggestions to sqlap2006@yahoo.com

Thank you for attention, The S.Q.Lap's SQL Assistant Developers team.

May 03, 2006
12:06 PM EDT
Is it legal to track down spammers and force them to watch late-night tv infomercials 24/7 for, say, ten years? Or would it be kinder to simply burn them at the stake?

May 03, 2006
12:16 PM EDT
Only if they are Kevin Trudeau late night tv infomercials.

Especially the ones with Danny Bonaducci.


May 03, 2006
12:52 PM EDT
>Especially the ones with Danny Bonaducci.

I think I love you, what am I so afraid of?

I'm afraid that I'm not sure of A love there is no cure for.

May 03, 2006
2:03 PM EDT
I love the smell of spam in the morning.

Oh wait, no, I don't. Why is this here?

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