SourceForge Sux

Story: Execs Outline Open Source MomentumTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Apr 20, 2006
9:24 PM EDT
I can't stand it. Not enough people speak up on this, so I guess it will have to be me. It's popular, but it's slow and hard on developers to upload their stuff to it. Take for instance the steps I outlined below. This is just whacky. Many of these steps could be minimized with either a command-line tool one could download, or an easier form or set of forms. It's also confusing as for the 'means' when we're not talking rocket science here as for the 'ends'.

1. Connect to 2. Login. 3. Click Admin. 4. Click File Releases. 5. Login again, uncheck stay in ssl, check remember me, click Login with SSL. 6. Scroll down and type in a new package name and click Create Package. Package names are the same as filenames minus the .tar.gz. 7. Scroll down, find your new package, and click Add Release. 8. Type in a new release name and click Create This Release. 9. Browse and find your release notes (README.TXT) and change log (BUGS.TXT) and then click middle button -- Submit/Refresh. 10. Leaving browser window open where you are, open command prompt and type in:


11. Login to the FTP as anonymous/ 12. cd incoming 13. lcd /home/mike100 14. Use put to put your file up on the server. This may take a few minutes to complete and you have nothing to tell you it's working, but eventually it either times out or returns you to a prompt. 15. quit 16. exit 17. Go back to browser and click Add Files / Refresh View. 18. Check off your new file and click Add Files / Refresh View again. 19. Scroll down and set processor to platform independent and .gz and click Update Refresh. 20. Scroll up and click Admin. 21. Click File Releases. 22. Scroll down and edit your last release before this one. 23. Click Edit This Release again. 24. Scroll down, check off I'm Sure, and click Delete File. 25. Switch it to hidden and click Submit/Refresh. 26. Click File Releases. 27. Scroll down, hide your last release before this one, and click Update. 28. Click Summary. 29. Click Submit News. 30. Type in your package name and add " Released", as in: - Released. Type in your formal news announcement about this and make it exciting and as if this were shown on the homepage of the entire site. In other words, use phrases to make it slightly exciting and introduce things as if they are new. Then, click Submit. 31. Click Summary.

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