The title is absolutely correct.

Story: Dell exec: We're not Wintel's lapdogTotal Replies: 3
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Apr 11, 2006
5:40 AM EDT
Lapdog is definitely not the correct term. Unfortunately, the correct terms shouldn't be used in a public forum such as this.

Apr 11, 2006
7:04 AM EDT
I was simply thinking "slave" myself. Dell is really getting desparate when they have to whine and cry about all of those "wondrous" things they've done to help move technology along. :)

I love my Dell laptops. Their desktops stink and so do their servers. Laptops.... hmmm... maybe lapdog IS appropriate after all!

Apr 11, 2006
8:44 AM EDT
I love the idea that Dell invented 802.11 and the other listed of items.

Of course it Apple beat Dell by a year in shipping 802.11 products.

Dell conviently ignores reality so it can feel better about being a wintel biatoch.

Apr 11, 2006
9:17 AM EDT
Give Dell enough time and they will say that they invented the computer.

By the way, how many patents do they have? Is it even close the "impressive" 5,000 that M$ has?

IBM alone has over 40,000 "active" patents. That's just part of what they have been doing in the last five years or so.

So when it comes to who invented what, I think we know who does what and who doesn't.

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