not surprising

Story: Microsoft helped write Oklahoma computer lawTotal Replies: 1
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Apr 10, 2006
7:04 PM EDT
this doesn't surprise me - with all the money they give the government it was just a matter of time before they started to write laws.

scarey scarey scarey stuff -

Apr 10, 2006
8:47 PM EDT
I read the article Saturday, so I decided to email Senator Clark Jolley. The following are 2 exchanges. Waddya think?


Darrel - The Gazette article was very poorly researched and was written with an anti-Microsoft viewpoint from the very start. When first contacted about the article by the reporter, I was left a message that "Microsoft wrote this bill." This viewpoint made it into the article. Fact is, they didn't. On to the bill itself, the section the folks at the Gazette are referring to does not give carte blanche to software companies. The same provision has passed with the same wording in California, Washington, Arkansas and Georgia. The Gazette failed to mention that. It tried to make it look like big business and their evil Republican allies are scheming in a closed door meeting room to try to screw over everyone else. The fact is, each of those states listed above which have passed these provisions are controlled by Democrats in both houses of the legislature. Although I enjoy the Gazette, this author did a very slanted and inaccurate article. I've reviewed that provision and don't see the concern with them being allowed to "spy" on people. The provision is there for software authentication and validation. The Gazette article literally said it allowed the Microsoft or your cable company to see if you bounced a check. If I believed for a moment that there was any validity in this argument, I would amend that provision in a heartbeat. Senator Clark Jolley District 41 Oklahoma State Senate 528A State Capitol Building 2300 North Lincoln Boulevard Oklahoma City, OK 73105 405.521.5622 - Telephone 405.530.2333 - Facsimile - Official site - Official site of the Oklahoma Senate

From: (djohnston) Sent: Sat 4/8/2006 3:12 PM To: Clark Jolley Subject: E-Mail from

Send to: Sen.Jolley Message: I just read in the Oklahoma Gazette of your intentions to get passed a bill to "stop online spying", to paraphrase. Unfortunately, the bill, if passed, would give carte blanche to almost any software company, my internet provider, et al, to SPY ON ME! My question to you, sir, is, respectfully, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?


Darrel - The entire point of the section requires you to accept their EULA. That part about the article is correct - it only applies if you accept their EULA. Senator Clark Jolley District 41 Oklahoma State Senate 528A State Capitol Building 2300 North Lincoln Boulevard Oklahoma City, OK 73105 405.521.5622 - Telephone 405.530.2333 - Facsimile - Official site - Official site of the Oklahoma Senate

From: (djohnston) Sent: Mon 4/10/2006 2:44 PM To: Clark Jolley Subject: Software authentication and validation

I appreciate your response and your candor. You wrote: "The provision is there for software authentication and validation." According to Microsoft's EULA for Windows2000 and later, they already have the authority to do validation, if one agrees to their EULA. I see no reason to legislate it, unless a court case has determined that Microsoft's End User License Agreement is non-binding on the consumer. As for "evil" Rerpublicans vs. Democrats, I think it's smoke and mirrors. I don't see that much difference in the moral grounds of either party.

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