A Bunch of Banana Republics

Story: U.S. Asks European Union to Be Fair in Microsoft CaseTotal Replies: 5
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Mar 31, 2006
7:56 AM EDT
Of course, if the US needs to remind the EU to be fair, this must mean they don't think they will be - otherwise why bother ruffling diplomatic feathers by making a fuss?

Europe? Just bunch of banana republics, it seems.

Mar 31, 2006
5:06 PM EDT
Ah I don't trust Europe. Unfortunately though my country, Croatia, is in some kind of state of trance for years already about entering EU. It's like "EU" are golden magical words and the representation of all good in the world. Our government is absolutely obsessed by EU.

Anyway.. what right does US have to meddle in the affairs of this EU lawsuit? Just because Microsoft is an US company?

Sickening indeed.

Mar 31, 2006
10:37 PM EDT
Quoting:Anyway.. what right does US have to meddle in the affairs of this EU lawsuit? Just because Microsoft is an US company?

Gates has turned the US Government into his person shill. Has this country ever done this for any other company or industry ever? No, never.

Imagine our government intervening for Boeing, General Motors, Intel. Won't happen.


Apr 01, 2006
4:00 AM EDT
Well, there is a certain logic to Mr Gates running the US; what's worse is that he also appears to have hypnotised Tony Blair, who seems incapable of making a major IT decision without checking with Bill first. The huge UK National Health System (based almost entirely on Microsoft's products) is a case in point.

And I can guess who will be providing all the software for our smart new 1984 ID card system. At least that guarantees it will be years late and won't ever work properly....

Apr 01, 2006
5:35 PM EDT
> Has this country ever done this for any other company or industry ever? No, never.

Tom, to be fair, I think they tried to intervene when the EU nixed the GE/Honeywell merger. They weren't successful, but I do believe they tried. This is from memory, and therefore should be taken with a grain of salt.

Apr 02, 2006
10:06 PM EDT
Quoting: Of course, if the US needs to remind the EU to be fair, this must mean they don't think they will be - otherwise why bother ruffling diplomatic feathers by making a fuss?

Alternatively it could be because Microsoft know they've pushed things a bit too far this time and that the EU is not going to back down in demanding that MS play fair or get seriously smacked. Hence the whining request for Governmental Support.

Most repugnant.

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