Wasn't this known at the time?

Story: Munich Linux migration delayed by 'PR stunt'Total Replies: 6
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Mar 29, 2006
11:28 AM EDT
I seem to recall comments from when this happened saying that it was partly to send a message about software patents. So I wonder why ZDNet UK thinks this is news?

Mar 29, 2006
12:13 PM EDT
Do you think it has anythng to do with Microsoft's shills manipulating the press?

Ever seen a kid with chocolate all over his face saying I didn't eat any cookies. Oh, but my hand is in the jar. I was just counting them, momma.

Mar 29, 2006
12:35 PM EDT
No way to know for sure. I often think it would be interesting to some how apply the OS methodology to reliably, accurately, and most important, legally investigate such things. Leave the cockroaches very little places to hide from the light and watch them scurry and scatter. The light needs to shine just a little bit deeper into the shadows so they have less room to hide.

Mar 29, 2006
2:16 PM EDT
You still have to deal with the public's apathy. Shine the light on Tom DeLay for example and he winds up in charge to the funding of his own investigation.

Mar 29, 2006
5:02 PM EDT
> You still have to deal with the public's apathy.

In some cases, reasonable apathy. I'm sure most Texans think Tom Delay wasn't doing anything everyone else is doing. They're probably even correct.

Mar 30, 2006
5:07 AM EDT
Well, as a Texan, I have to correct you on that surety. The attitude inside the party reflects embarrassment. A slate of viable candidates ran against him in the primary. He had his worse showing ever.

If we thought he wasn't doing anything anyone else was doing, the district attorney in Austin would not have indicted him. While DeLay claims the DA is doing it for political gain, no one believes that. That's illogial in some ways. If the DA is attempting to gain politically, what does that say about Mr. Delay? Also, I gather from a reliable source that the state would like to see the Austin DA win.

Mar 30, 2006
6:15 AM EDT

> I have to correct you on that surety.

I'll take your word for the attitudes in Texas. Though I expect it's still largely true that most of the others either are doing the same thing or would if they got the opportunity.

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