He has a point

Story: A Linux desktop fairy taleTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Mar 22, 2006
8:46 PM EDT
Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols said, "To do that, instead of emphasizing the differences between the distributions, which only serves to confuse non-Linux users, Linux fans need to work on getting people to see the common core values among all Linuxes."

Something we fail to emphasize often enough is the fact that none of the multitude of Linux distributions will try to hold you hostage. People who have only know MS Windows don't realize how non-chalantly we may hop amongst Linux distributions. They know transferring their data from one version of MS Windows to another can result in terrible messes. We need to help them understand that's nothing to fear with Linux.

How many have tried on different distros, with as little concern as changing socks, before finding the one that fits?

1. Newbie, you're going to feel lost at first. Don't worry. Most of us felt like slobbering idiots the first time.

2. You're not alone. Whatever distribution you're using, there are lots who have been there and done that.

3. If a distribution doesn't feel right, try another. Find one that suits you. Don't worry about "applications" or compatibility. It'll be fine.

4. When you have a question, expect a gazillion answers ranging from "RTFM" to a discourse on the GNU philosophy. Have patience, please. You, too, will soon be a babbling Tux, seeking out others to tell your discoveries to.

5. Don't be 'root' any more than you absolutely have to be. Your system will protect itself -unless- you're root. It's yours again; if you tell it to destroy itself, as root, it will not argue with you.

6. Have some fun!

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