"Open" Gates Openly Admits Open's Impact

Story: And Now It's Microsoft's Turn AgainTotal Replies: 3
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Mar 22, 2006
8:29 PM EDT
Quote: 'Gates noted that the new group, to be known as the Open XML Formats Developer Group, brings together three of his favorite words--"open," "XML," and "developer." "No organization is good unless you put 'open' " in there, Gates said.'

Now that is priceless. The Bill is admitting the impact of open source and open standards. He can use the word; he just seems to have trouble understanding it.

OpenDocument has the potential to open Bill's gates and set free a lot of data he holds hostage.

Mar 23, 2006
5:08 AM EDT
Gates is being sarcastic I suspect.

I like "Open the Vista trapdoor..."

Mar 23, 2006
7:01 AM EDT
Microsoft still wants control of any document standard and still wants people to buy their software to get to THEIR data. That is the bottom line no matter what PR Billy puts behind it.

Mar 23, 2006
7:12 AM EDT
> I like "Open the Vista trapdoor..."

Open the data bay doors, Bill. :)

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