conclusion: PostgreSQL works
Author | Content |
grouch Mar 15, 2006 8:24 AM EDT |
The author does a very nice, polite job of debunking those 5 myths. Not to start a flame war, but I cringe every time I have to use MySQL instead of PostgreSQL. At least as MySQL has advanced, it has become easier to convert stuff that's written to its quirks. I will never get used to it mixing display formatting with integer storage, though. Going in the other direction, the lack of foreign keys and sub-queries in MySQL causes me headaches. I've heard those are coming, so it's probably just old code that I'm dealing with. Real choice is a grand thing. It's great that my choice doesn't deprive anyone else of their favorites. |
number6x Mar 15, 2006 10:25 AM EDT |
I like Postgres better than my SQL as well, but mySQL is not as bad as oft repeated rumors say. mySQL has supported foreign keys since version 3 point something. mySQL supports transactions and about 99.99% of all the other things people says it doesn't support as well. Wanna see? First create a database for your tables... > mysqladmin -u root create demo Then whip up some sql to create two tables and save it in a file called something meaningfull like demo.sql, and add some data to the first table: drop table if exists things; create table things ( id int not null auto_increment, title varchar(35) not null, primary key (id) )TYPE=InnoDB; drop table if exists line_items; create table line_items ( id int not null auto_increment, things_id int not null, quantity int not null default 0, constraint fk_items_things foreign key (things_id) references things(id), primary key (id) )TYPE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO things VALUES (NULL, 'The first thing'); INSERT INTO things VALUES (NULL, 'The second thing'); INSERT INTO things VALUES (NULL, 'The third thing'); Create the tables with the command: > mysql -u root demo <demo.sql Then go to the mysql prompt for our database with the command: > mysql -u root demo You should see: mysql> So try to add something to the line_items table: mysql> INSERT INTO line_items VALUES (NULL, 1, 10); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec) No problems... Now try adding one with a foreign key that does not exist: mysql> INSERT INTO line_items VALUES (NULL, 4, 100); ERROR 1216 (23000): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails mysql> Houston, we have a problem Foreign key constraints do work in mySQL! So try it again with a valid foreign key: mysql> INSERT INTO line_items VALUES (NULL, 3, 100); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec) All in all, I have more experience with PostgresSQL, but don't believe most of the bad press about mySQL, it just isn't true. |
grouch Mar 15, 2006 11:26 AM EDT |
Thanks number6x. That tells me just how old the code is that I was working with. That also tells me that abstracting for either MySQL or PostgreSQL is much easier than it used to be. |
number6x Mar 16, 2006 5:04 AM EDT |
Oh grouch, It could also be that the tables you have are type myISAM. This is a native mySQL format used for simple tables that uses less overhead, but also lacks advanced features like transactions and FR key referential integrity. to alter a myISAM table into a InnoDB table use the command: alter table table_name TYPE=InnoDB; This will convert a table named table_name into InnoDB. -Sean |
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