Excellent read needs extra linespace removed

Story: How to give Linux AwayTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Mar 14, 2006
11:30 AM EDT
The content is great! It's good to read how a pro in sales handles it. I can now see why more eyes glazed over than lighted up on my "presentations" to people.

The big barren spaces in the article disrupt reading and distract from the message.

Besides getting old PCs from individuals, you can also check with local businesses. I got a local "sanitation service" (aka, garbage company) to let me add a line of text on the monthly bills they put out: "Wanted: computer hardware, working or not". That went out 1 time and resulted in a very nice response.

A local bank sent a pickup truckload of parts, including 2 complete, working IBM P133 w/128MB computers. Such a modest computer may sound like junk but they were welcomed. One went to a single mother who just needed word processing (Debian, Abiword, minimal window manager). Another went to a school kid who just needed word processing, Internet browsing, email, and image editing (Debian, OpenOffice.org [slow to start, but he needed it], Mozilla w/mail, Gimp).

Each computer was set up with Apache and a "home" page on localhost. The home page included _simple_ instructions for common tasks as well as a couple of links to documentation. (The amount of documentation stored locally, besides the usual /usr/share/doc/, was limited because the computers had 1G hard drives). Debian's dpkg-www package was installed to give them browser access to documentation of all installed packages. (You have to provide simple instructions but you don't have to act like they can't or won't grow to demand more). CDs could be mounted or umounted from their home page via php.

sudo was set up so they could shutdown without root or password.

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