I like the gimp

Story: Time to stick a fork in the GIMP?Total Replies: 6
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Mar 11, 2006
5:27 PM EDT
1. It is not p.h.o.t.o.s.h.o.p. Most people who say it should be more like p.h.o.t.o.s.h.o.p are probably using a pirated version. Those opinions mean nothing 2. It is not p.h.o.t.o.s.h.o.p. I had the chance to use p.h.o.t.o.s.h.o.p once. Worst i.n.t.e.r.f.a.c.e ever. The gimp is easier. 3. Can you say designed for multiple monitors? 4. I thought it would be nice to have p.h.o.t.o.s.h.o.p on L.i.n.u.x. After seeing the way most commercial s.o.f.t.w.a.r.e houses try and support L.i.n.u.x I've changed my mind. 5. I wish we would quit trying to be like W.i.n.d.o.w.s. W.i.n.d.o.w.s sucks. We can do better and the g.i.m.p is better s.o.f.t.w.a.r.e.

(periods added to hopefully remove imbedded a.d.v.e.r.t.i.s.i.n.g)

Mar 11, 2006
8:10 PM EDT
Pat, I agree. Photoshop to me a PIA. I prefer GIMP for my needs.

Mar 12, 2006
11:14 AM EDT
With the risk of looking stupid .... what is PIA ?


Mar 12, 2006
12:15 PM EDT
Don't feel bad, I had to look it up too..Pain In the Ass. :-)

Mar 12, 2006
12:45 PM EDT
Usually expressed as 'pita' :).

Mar 12, 2006
1:05 PM EDT
I just want to say that I agree that Linux does not need to be like Windows.

The thing that I find interesting is that Photoshop was far and away most requested program to be ported to Linux.

If the only thing keeping all of those people from switching to Linux is Photoshop, that tells me a lot about what is making many people hang on to Windows. I know that there are the gamers but there is Cedenga for that. So I do not take "Only Windows will run my games" excuse anymore.

So if Photoshop was ported to Linux, do you think that a bunch of people would start switching over to Linux or no?

Mar 12, 2006
2:15 PM EDT
Actually, No... I think this is just one more lame excuse that people use to run in place.

It is looking like within the year, Xara will have an open source version of their program up and runing on Linux. So we are going to have something equivalent or better than photoshop anyway. Adobe is one of those corporations that is very into establishing their own standards and creating mini monopolies for control of a market sector. Best from my point of view if they stay away from Linux.

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