Linux based version of the same

Story: The Ultimate Media Server - Apache+SSL , PHP, MySQL and JinzoraTotal Replies: 2
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Mar 06, 2006
8:56 AM EDT
At the risk of getting tagged as an Ubuntu fanboy again, I'm pointing to this thread on the Jinozra fourm. Supposedly it's a 30-minute install start-to-finish via a script written for Ubuntu.

I'll be trying this when I get home tonight.

Mar 08, 2006
4:16 AM EDT
Just an update on this.

The script works however, what it downloads is the CVS version of Jinzora which is buggy enough to make it not work quite right. I changed the script to not get the CVS version but to wget j2.3.6.tar.gz, untar it and run, the continue on. Worked like a charm.

It took 33 minutes from the point that I inserted the Ubuntu Server install CD to the point that I had a running Jinzora server. That includes the time to run all of the updates to Ubuntu and reboot due to the kernel being upgraded. It took another hour to get all of my music imported.

Mar 10, 2006
4:19 AM EDT
Another update.

Although this works very well, it's success depends on one thing: ID3 tags. If your ID3 tags are not set up correctly, you get a screen full of things that obviously need to be fixed.

Let's say you have five albums by The Police. I do (and yes, I actually own them). When I ripped them to mp3, I used the CDDB entries that were available. I now have one album by "The Police", one album by "Police, The", two albums by "THE POLICE" and one by "Police". When I look at the main page, which I set up to list by artist, I have all four of those entries showing.

So, if you plan on doing this, definitely make sure your tags are in order.

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