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Story: Somebody in India thinks they'll "Wrest Leadership in Open-Source Computing"Total Replies: 3
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Feb 12, 2006
4:52 AM EDT
Did india hav an empire??? Heard about the Indus Valley, the Mughals, the list goes on mate? And if it werent for the nonsensical and selfish exploitations of us Indians during those crucial 200 years, no doubt India would hav become one of the richest countries in the world and why is US an engine for the internet? ever wondered how many Indians work in IBM, Oracle or even Micro$oft for that matter, who is gaining due to this braindrain... And did I mention my state alone produces around 35000 IT engineers a year, the future is changing pals, And please, what you see in your satellite televisions in your countries is not true India, India has been and will be a united country, The instances of violence that hav occured in the past is because of those b*****d politicians, and thats all set to change...and for one, what does population, corruption .etc has to do with open source , Please understand that they are separate entities in our country And did I mention our country's president Abdul Kalam (what a man) endorses Open Source..People in the villages are slowly but steadily getting accustomed to technology, and I myselves have taken part in few of those projects, The thing is these initiatives hav been driven by both volunteer groups and the government themselves, frankly lets see in 20 years who gets the last then I'll be 37 and I'll be laughing my head off at sorry judgement of you guys no offence but I find this article too offending not only for India but also for other developing countries. I am extremely shocked since Ive been getting lxer feeds for 8 months and suddenly this piece which clearly lacks research and somehow find biased. This editorial piece is a crap..

Feb 12, 2006
5:47 AM EDT
Sadly, it's been "set to change" for centuries now.

Feb 12, 2006
7:16 AM EDT
sudharsh: On a serious note, I hoped to get you involved in the conversation that wouldn't make this about me. Have you ever coached anyone? If so, perhaps you've notice two types of responses: attacking the coach because "he does the same thing" or reflecting on the feedback.

It's easy for an elite athlete to call his coach "fat" for example. It's harder to say, "let me reflect and either respond or work on the issue."

Messing with me doesn't help. I once had a boss that told me I knew more about the history of India than any one he knew in India. He hailed from New Delhi. He also helped me keep my Hindi up to speed, bhai sahab.

Feb 12, 2006
7:43 AM EDT
Quoting:The instances of violence that hav occured in the past is because of those b*****d politicians, and thats all set to change

I sure hope it does. Changing the status quo of the world is what FOSS is all about. For that to happen, the culture has to change and that is not an easy task. India is not unique in its situation, it is the same in the Arab world and in Africa.

Quoting:no offence but I find this article too offending not only for India but also for other developing countries.

Don't take the article as an offensive notion, take it as an awakening assessment trying to set things in the right direction. You yourself acknowledge how bad the current situation is. So don't be too emotional and accept some constructive critisim.

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