Caste System

Story: Somebody in India thinks they'll "Wrest Leadership in Open-Source Computing"Total Replies: 10
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Feb 11, 2006
10:13 AM EDT
The biggest obstacle to Open Source in India is the Caste System, which has been in place since the beginning of Indian culture. It is much more complex than the class system in the U.S. for example. The people of a higher class will not share with or help the people of a lower class, its just not done. Combine that with rampant corruption and you get what Tom describes. It makes it impossible to get to the people who could really use and benefit from it.

Feb 11, 2006
11:44 AM EDT
Scott, I was once fluent in Hindi. I still know enough to speak with natives.

Very recently, one of my closest family members had a discussion with a co-worker from Bharatdesh in the health care field. She said that in India, she places a different premium on human life. She was bothered by the fact that our health care workers go out of their way to save the lives of these poor indigent people. That would never happen in India, she said.

So, the lady's cat dies. She went to pieces. her family had a funeral ceremony for the cat and cremated it. Here is the US. Then she took time off for a mourning period. Caste system? It's more like bigotry. And you should her what she thinks of Americans.

Feb 11, 2006
10:57 PM EDT
Please be careful. The whole world saw what "rich White America" did to the poor black folks in New Orleans during and after the hurricanes. Prejudice and class snobbery exist everywhere.


Feb 12, 2006
6:37 AM EDT
Sal: Living in Dallas, I saw remarkable outpouring of kindness to the people of New Orleans. You can't play the race card on that one.

Feb 12, 2006
7:13 AM EDT
> The whole world saw what "rich White America" did to the poor black folks in New Orleans during and after the hurricanes.

What? The free housing, food, and supplies. The billions of dollars in aid that flowed to New Orleans and its citizens? Or are you perhaps referring the absolute fiasco during the hurricanes approach, when the mayor failed to follow an existing evacuation plan and the governor failed to request federal assistance? Those two things can hardly be laid at the feet of "rich White America".

Feb 12, 2006
8:50 AM EDT
Sal: My intent was only to state and explain(a little) why Open Source Software would not succeed in India. The problem is with the culture, not the race of the people in the culture. They are all of the same race, it is the social divides they have created that makes it impossible to help the people who really need it.

New Orleans was supposed to sink, all of it. But it did not, I personally think that it should be moved so that it is above sea level. I studied Geology for several years and if it was up to me I would move the city 10 miles to the east and negate the entire problem of flooding once and for all. But even my friends and family think I am nuts on that one. Then again, many companies are going to make a fortune re-buliding New Orleans.

I call it, Disaster Recovery - The American Way.


Feb 12, 2006
8:52 AM EDT
Yes, broad generalisations are mostly useless (I have to admit to being concerned with my own choice of words. This post brought to you by the salparadise gets himself into hot water again dept'.) and I don't mean to play any race card, just to point out that none of us can really claim the moral high ground unless we live in countries where there is no corruption in the administrative process. In the West it's called "greasing the wheels" - corporate lunches, enhanced stock options, tip offs, access to the corporate yacht, junketts, is it really any different from a "backhander to the right official"?

Feb 12, 2006
8:57 AM EDT
You go sal. Not to mention the billions provided by companies like M$ to congressional representatives and Presidential candidates in order that they do their bidding. Sounds a lot like US institutional corruption to me...

Feb 12, 2006
9:01 AM EDT
Quote: (I have to admit to being concerned with my own choice of words. This post brought to you by the salparadise gets himself into hot water again dept'.)

Sal: I'll jump in with you, it is going to be "Rich White America" who profits from it, but only the ultra rich. You know, the ones who own stock in all the big companies that have gotten fat while Bush Jr. has been in office. All you had to do was be more specific about which part of RWA and you would have been fine man.

How's that for not leaving you all by yourself? :-)

Feb 12, 2006
9:54 AM EDT

My point could also have been stated more diplomaticly. :)

> just to point out that none of us can really claim the moral high ground unless we live in countries where there is no corruption in the administrative process.

Well, that's still a bit over generalized for my taste. There are differences between governments, and some are objectively better than others. However, that's a fine point, and your point is generally correct.

> In the West it's called "greasing the wheels" - corporate lunches, enhanced stock options, tip offs, access to the corporate yacht, junketts, is it really any different from a "backhander to the right official"?

No, though I don't believe it's quite as widespread, and it's not "socially acceptable" the way it is in India. It India, this is normal. Here, it's looked down on. A difference of degree, not kind, admittedly. Again, your general point is valid.


> I'll jump in with you, it is going to be "Rich White America" who profits from it, but only the ultra rich. You know, the ones who own stock in all the big companies that have gotten fat while Bush Jr. has been in office.

As long as you're willing to admit that this has almost always been true, as much under the Democrats as the Republicans, I'll concede the point. :)

Feb 12, 2006
10:05 AM EDT
You bet I'll admit to that.

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.

The Stock Market went from 8,000 to 10,000 under Clinton. The same people made money then.

Democrat and Republican are only used to divide us, not them.

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