This is not Microsoft-specific

Story: Two ways Microsoft sabotages Linux desktop adoptionTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Feb 09, 2006
4:28 PM EDT
Any innovator faces exactly the same problems in dealing with incumbents.

Microsoft-specific tactics include:

* telling people that you have trouble reaching (managing directors and so on) misleading things which sometimes amount to direct lies, or are carefully structured to encourage a misinterpretation which is a lie;

* paying for endless studies and publishing only the ones in which they can be contrived to look good;

* papering over technical issues with promises that they never really intend to keep;

* wining, dining and old-boy-networking upper-level managment, particularly those without the technical expertise to discern any of the above;

* failing that (sometimes in addition to it) wining and dining legislators or others who set policy which must be hewed to by their target.

There are more, but listing them out would fall into another common trap for techos: overwhelming people in detail.

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