You are right to be suspicious.

Story: Comment of the Day - January 3, 2006 -Total Replies: 3
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Jan 03, 2006
8:42 AM EDT
So keeping Windows insecure, causes it to become virus and spyware ridden...

And also makes it easy to steal identities, bank account info and so on.

Yes, it is deliberate.

It's so that when they try to bring in the "cashless society / just have this little chip implanted and all this ID theft and insecurity will disappear" people will flock to it.

There are times when I think that the functionality of Windows is a front for the intelligence gathering part that occurs in the background. And then there's days when I get paranoid...


Jan 03, 2006
8:53 AM EDT
I can't say with certainty that it is deliberate, but when no barriers exist it seems like it would a temptation.

Jan 03, 2006
11:58 AM EDT
Well, I was mostly kidding with this comment to begin with. However, it is true that the situation really doesn't give them any incentive to actually fix the problems, while it gives them a mild incentive not to.

-> Fritz

Jan 03, 2006
2:16 PM EDT
MS in colaboration with the NSA.... Naw... How could that be possible? ;-)

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