Running Linux - 5th Edition

Story: Running Linux - Fifth EditionTotal Replies: 0
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Dec 17, 2005
3:03 PM EDT
WOW! I came across the first edition of Running Linux back around April 1996 at a Barnes & Noble. I had first heard of Linux two years prior, and decided that this was my chance to learn just what this Linux thingy was. I immediately purchased a copy, went back home and started reading. This was definitely my introduction into the wonderful world of Linux.

Back then, I read, and researched, and read some more until I felt I knew enough to get started. Luckily for me, during that time, I worked for a small computer shop. They sold new, customized systems, did system upgrades, and repairs. Windows 95 was still relatively new, and Quake was the new game on the block. Those were the daze. Because of my working in a small computer shop, I had access to my choice of hardware that I could piece together to build my own custom system. I know most people don't have that luxury, but it was too good for me to pass up.

Anyway, because I was able to build my own system with my choice of parts, I decided to use the information in Running Linux to my advantage. I was able to test out components that were suppose to work with Linux. I slowly pieced my system together, looking for deals whenever I could (because I was barely making ends meet as it was). I think what I ended up with was a Shuttle motherboard that had a Cyrix processor, a 2.1GB HD, a 6x CD-ROM drive, and a 15" CRT monitor. Talk about your archaic system.

To sum things up, after about six months of buying pieces here and there, I was finally able to put what I read to the test. I had a copy of Slackware 3.0 (I think) with kernel version 1.2. Since bootable CD's weren't available at that time, I had to go through the process of using RAWRITE to create two boot floppies so I could start my Linux installation. All thanks to the help of Running Linux. Good times!

Luckily, those new to Linux don't have to suffer the way I did. However, because the information is still valuable, I am eager to find out all the changes that are included in this new edition. I still believe that any Linux user can benefit from the information available in the previous editions, but I also believe this new edition will be a good starting point for those who are interested in learning more.

Since 2006 will mark my tenth anniversary of when I first purchased Running Linux and actually using Linux. I look forward to seeing all the changes that have been made throughout the years that this book has been in print.

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