no they missed that goal

Story: Saving Windows from Obsolescence in a Free-Market EconomyTotal Replies: 12
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Dec 01, 2005
7:57 PM EDT
Since Linus Torvald and company now can set the agenda for who can deliver 'Linux' operating system. Microsoft have no longer choice then to kill linux. Microsoft have only two choices as i see it...

1. Become a normal software vendor (create mabey Office for the web and some more products. But not like now to be in every kind of area and loose in everyone of them.)

2. Close down. EU is currently in the move to face out Microsoft. This will take several years but more and more countrys do that. Even here in Sweden some moves have been taken (Sweden is a very Microsoft friendly country)

Further more. Microsoft stock value have dropped 3 times since they was biggest. Last year the sale was the lowest they have ever had several years. My point is if Microsoft can't get money to there investors they have to cut really good or shrink there business. What we see now is a titanic sinking.

(Btw Vista seems to be a big flop. 1 out of 20 seems to be interested)

Dec 02, 2005
10:54 PM EDT
"Since Linus Torvalds and company now can set the agenda for who can deliver 'Linux' operating system."

I very much doubt that. Linux is a trademark of Linus or something like that, so he can in theory control the use of the name, but the kernel is free software under the GPL and if Microsoft wants to use it legally (which includes within the terms of the license) Linus shouldn't be able to stop them.

Dec 03, 2005
1:49 PM EDT
Yes you have parts right there mr Celerate. But as Linus Torvalds owns the copyright of the kernel he can also forbid companys that 'destroys' the market value of linux to use Linux. However they can still use it inside the company but not resell it.


Dec 03, 2005
3:28 PM EDT
maggrand - I thought I had a tenuous connection to reality. Dream on: write some science fiction, but stay away from court room drama - it's just not your strong point.

Dec 03, 2005
4:18 PM EDT
Ain't gonna happen. ;-)

Dec 03, 2005
8:10 PM EDT
"Those free-livin’ straight-talkin’ Dutch are offering the low end 40GB LamaBox 400 for €279/$329 or a 400GB top-end LamaBox 900 with DVD burner for €479/$565," says Engadget. "Expect ‘em to ship with a subpoena if they ever come Stateside - you know how the MPAA and RIAA roll." ;-)

Dec 04, 2005
12:29 PM EDT
One more point --

Linus Torvalds does not own the copyright on the Linux Kernel.

He owns the trademark. That gives him the right to control who uses the name Linux for software and how they use it.

The copyright -- or, more accurately, the copyrights, are owned by whomever owns them.

Dec 04, 2005
12:37 PM EDT
well, maybe:

"The regulator, Intellectual Property Australia, turned down the application because the word 'Linux' was not distinctive enough to be trademarked."

Dec 04, 2005
1:16 PM EDT
"'Linux' was not distinctive enough to be trademarked."

Lol, but 'Windows' is?

Dec 04, 2005
2:51 PM EDT
Now Jim, we're just dumb laypeople who don't undertstand the finer points of bribery I mean trademark law.

Man, that's a beastly typo, I make it all the time. The keys are like right together.

Dec 04, 2005
3:11 PM EDT
Seriously Tuxchick, I am forever boggled at who anyone could ever trademark 'Windows' in any but the narrowest context.... You're right, I must be to simple to understand all this convoluted business conniving and scheming to hijack a hole in wall covered with glass. Actually, I'm just waiting for MS to sue Pella, Anderson, and dozens of others for infringement of the trademark.

Incidently, if the 'bribery' and 'Trademark law' keys are too close then you need to get rid of that weird MS keyboard. Other keyboard's have them much further apart.

Dec 04, 2005
4:43 PM EDT
jimf --

Yeah. I tried a Microsoft keyboard once, but the only keys that worked spelled out , "Honest, it's not a bribe. I found this envelope on the floor outside your office. On the other hand, I am pretty good at finding stuff and I'm a lot more likely to pay friendly social calls if you vote for this proposal."

Dec 05, 2005
11:49 AM EDT
I am unable to make any typos with my MS keyboard its absolutely fool proof as you can see

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