Things are not as bad as you think

Story: Linux News: Does Microsoft's Monopoly Power Extend to Government and Media?Total Replies: 0
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Nov 22, 2005
10:22 PM EDT
I am likely endangering myself - and this is my first LXer posting ever - by saying; things are not as bad as you might think. Yes, M$ is embedding (entrenching?) itself as it always has, but Open Source is - literally - something you can not stop. It is as persistant as (bad comparison) warez. Open Source is here to stay. It really will not matter (and it has not in the past) what M$ - or anyone for that matter - does. This has been proven time and again - over and over.

You would like an example? Great! I have been interviewing (and getting my arse handed to me I might add) mostly on the Open Source angle. What I have learned, other than I am inadequate, is that Open Source is incredibly alive. I have literally been in interviews (for once) where they all sort of cringe when I mention anything proprietery.

Yes, these are bad things, but they have been attempted before; they were also refuted. Have faith and just keep using Open Source: this is the way - not bullywarking.

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