Summarized and reheated FUD

Story: John C. Dvorak's Microsoft Murder Plot: "How to Kill Linux"Total Replies: 2
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Nov 14, 2005
9:05 AM EDT
The new way of getting hits. Reheat the old FUD and distill a summary out of it.

It still doesn't makes Dvorak's piece any less ludicrous as it was then. The Linux kernel is GPL V2, so MS can't link "their own" proprietary drivers against it. The result would only be distributable under the GPL V2. MS would sooner sell vacuum-cleaners than to release IP under the GPL. (Nevermind that the Windows drivers contain the IP of the hardware manufacturers, so MS might not be able to legally release it as Open Source).

Dvorak's plan would lop MS's head off. The outcry from the community would be audible on Jupiter. A lot of people would go to court over this, both from the FOSS community and the proprietary world. The only way that MS can survive GNU/Linux is to port all of their proprietary productivity software to it right NOW. That would corner the productivity market on GNU/Linux before alternatives have completely consumed all the spaces that MS would like to be in.

Would be a cold they in hell though if it would happen...

Nov 14, 2005
9:25 AM EDT

Wrong. Of course Microsoft can link their own proprietary drivers against it...Just like nvidia users do now.

In fact...Isn't there a wireless lan support project that essentially wraps Windows wireless drivers so they can be run from Linux?


Nov 14, 2005
10:30 AM EDT
Mac OS X hasn't hurt its Unix underpinnings any. let microsoft build a system on Linux- they won't, because of the GPL. More likely they'd follow a similar path as Apple. (again!)

It would be fascinating to see if they could actually release a decent operating system. That would be a first. But I don't see anything like that happening until the old guard is gone- BillG, Ballmer, et al. They have far too much ego invested in bad-mouthing FOSS.

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