msft stories

Story: The Microsoft memos revealedTotal Replies: 13
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Nov 09, 2005
9:35 AM EDT
can't we go through just one day without any damn msft stories?

I did not read this story, even though it was everywhere today, I do not really care what ol Bill has to say. :)

If it is not a real Linux news event, maybe it should not be posted here.......????

I don't mind a msft story if it has something to do with Linux. But with most of the posts, I'd rather read a Ferris rant or something. LOL.


Nov 09, 2005
9:51 AM EDT
That's certainly a consideration for our editorial policy. I passed on the story multiple times today. I have to read what we post and I thought it was just another attempt for Bill to get himself noticed.

But, readers dictate content at times. So, it's not something we can settle casually. I don't think you missed anyting by passing on it.

Thanks for the post.

Nov 09, 2005
9:55 AM EDT
I've been on the posting side of this equation before -- Microsoft doesn't ignore us -- why should we ignore them? Are Microsoft vulnerabilities something that makes Linux news? Heck yes for a lot of readers -- others say "I don't care".

Better to post on the side of caution and let readers say "I don't care" -- than editors. The moment editors decide something is not news is the moment the readers get shortchanged into just seeing things through tom, carla or dave colored glasses.

Just my $.02.

PS: I'd post more if I had the time, in which case my name would be on the list above.

Nov 09, 2005
10:06 AM EDT
Paulie --

And, let us not forget the "Elephant in the room" effect.

Microsoft is ubiquitous, ravenous, and malicious. It is very difficult to honestly go through a day of open source news without reference to them.

Nov 09, 2005
10:49 AM EDT

ya'll miss my point. How can one IGNORE msft? Is that not what I am complaining about?

Lxer claims to be a Linux News site. How is this post Linux news? How is most msft news really Linux news? Because they mention Linux? Got a license like Linux softwares? What is real Linux news and what is msft tripe posed as Linux news? I am not saying we need some sort of rules/standards or something either, just to always err on the side of caution when posting any msft story, tripe or not....

I think there is plenty of Linux news not being reported upon, nor served to the community.

Is Lxer going to wind up like other "Linux community" news sites where all we get is this "menu board" of MSFT fewd all day? Some sites don't have much of a Linux feel to them, much less a community anymore. Only thing left at some places are the signs and banners....

If it is not a real Linux news event, maybe it should not be posted here.......???? tadelste: thanks for the info. maybe next time treat any msft story like you would a rm -rf command :)

Nov 09, 2005
11:20 AM EDT
I see your point.

99.9% of the MS stories cause groans and sighs and even the odd tear. I personally have had a number of mornings absolutely ruined by reading of the latest MS stunt. ;-)

Linux stories that cause hoorays and cheers are preferable.

I suspect the former outnumber the latter.

There is another angle to reporting MS stories.

People need to be told. In fact, it needs showing on the telly and splashing across the front page of all the major newspapers. Until the message gets home. Then we can forget about them altogether and get on better things.

Nov 09, 2005
4:52 PM EDT
Unfortunately, Microsoft's practice of annihilating its "enemies" (not that their "friends" fare any better) forces us to keep an eye on the dirty buggers. Even worse, their continual deluge of lies and propaganda needs to be counteracted with facts. I would love to ignore them totally- but we can't. Think of LXer as a giant, tasty pizza with all kinds of yummy toppings. Except for the Microsoft-flavored mystery meat. Just pick those bits off and discard them. If the dog won't eat 'em the pigs will.

At least at LXer you will never ever ever ever ever ever ever see a "Get the Facts" campaign.


Nov 09, 2005
7:37 PM EDT
bdumm: Thanks for your feedback.

It's something up for debate and as you can see a majority of the editorial staff consider reporting on Microsoft important.

We will use discretion in the reporting.

I will say that we report more Linux news that any other Linux news site. I know that because we have both automated processes looking for Linux news and have a dozen people including me reading news sites all day long and through much of the night.

I even read foreign sites and track articles. Maybe it doesn't show. But look through the stories and look at the times.

With that in mind, I'll do my best to do the right thing by everyone.


Nov 10, 2005
5:17 AM EDT
Tuxchick nailed it on her last post. Besides, google is our friend, right? Even Windoze zombies stumble across this stuff in google...and lxer seems to draw a strong ranking there. Keep your enemies close...


Nov 10, 2005
7:46 AM EDT
I don't like to have enemies- but Microsoft have appointed themselves the enemies of practically everyone, including their own customers. It's all so pointless- they could base products on FOSS code, just like everyone else, and possibly even produce something that is pretty decent, and not delayed for years and years, not sucky and insecure. They could design for interoperability instead of exclusion. They could encourage hardware hacking, like on the XBox, instead of bitching about modders and trying to put them in jail. They could do all kinds of customer- and community-friendly things, and still be megabillionaires, because friendlier, open product design leads to more sales and happier customers.

But they won't. Not as long as BillG and MonkeyBoy run the show. Remember the scene near the end of "Nine to Five"? Dabney Coleman is surveying the transformed office- pleasant lighting, comfortable furniture, happy employees being all productive- and he says "I hate this." That sums up M$ for me. It's not business logic that drives them, it's pathology.

Nov 10, 2005
6:39 PM EDT
props for all the Lxer features today. Nice.

tadelste: it shows that ya'll spend a lot of time getting us news. We appreciate it. Hence why we complain as well. ;)

tuxchick: sorry but I disagree with ya on some things.

1. Mickeysoft is far from our worst enemy. 2. Mickeysoft's future is always like looking in the rear view mirror 3. Some people luv Mickeysoft and think they are great, best friends they could ever have (yes we worry about these people, but many do exist) 4. Pointless to you, biz method wise, but far from pointless to shareholders 5. Didn't this whole thread start(post wise) because mickeysoft admitted their biz model is b0rken? (so wasn't this memo the 9-5 scene?)

everyone: just for reference, all I asked was

"can't we go through just one day without any damn msft stories?"

just one, not two, not 364, just one. We can call it a Tux holiday or something. :) A day just to celebrate using Linux, community and so on. No real reason to fight enemies, keeping track of others and so on. Just a day to celebrate using Linux, being part of this weird community we all find ourselves in, a day to invite others to join in and and so on.....

anyways just my two bits. Keep on truckin....


Nov 10, 2005
6:49 PM EDT
Bdumm, Despite your lack of enthusiasm for MS stories you got to read this

It is a riot

Nov 10, 2005
6:59 PM EDT
thx for the good laugh bstadil. tadelste should have posted this one instead. ;)

"The Sleeping Giant has stirred - and gone back to sleep."

says it all....

Nov 10, 2005
7:28 PM EDT
OK, I went ahead and posted it,

If you google the leaked Memo story you get more than 436 entries so it is kind of important that someone speaks up.

The CEO Marc Benioff claimed it could have been one of his memos from 1999.

[url= to Microsoft: Duh!§or=Industries&subsector=Computing][/url]

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