typo? good work, bamillion-dollar legal team

Story: SCO demands mysterious Linux 2.7 infoTotal Replies: 7
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Nov 07, 2005
11:57 AM EDT
Does anyone else remember, way back in the dawny mists of the fiaSCO, the big hoo-rah over Boies, Schiller, et al? Endless photo ops and public appearances with Darl hugging all over David Boies. Endless announcements and bragging "my big brother is gonna mop up the floor with them IBM wussies!"

Has anyone else read their briefs and filings on Groklaw? If I were Darl, I would want my money back. True, they have no case, but the quality of their work has been consistently shoddy. Poor writing, typos and factual errors abound. A lot of folks are saying this latest is no big deal, it's just a typo, but I think it is symptomatic of the poor work the celebrity lawyers have done.

Nov 07, 2005
12:14 PM EDT
You know the supporting firm probably uses MS Office :)

Nov 07, 2005
12:36 PM EDT
Well, off-the-record, what would be the best way to get money to someone if you needed to do so for a favor when he's supposedly prosecuting a case against you?

I mean if you needed to pay someone off for less than the best effort to get you convicted in something like an anti-trust case. Let's see. You could pay someone for a license and they could in turn pay the party in question.

OH yeah. I didn't know that Canopy financed Sun ten years ago. Hmmm.

Now, if I wanted to pay them back, I could buy a license and then make a deal with MS.

Nah, none of that is even remotely possible. But it would make a nice action or mystery novel.

We could call it the Net III. Who would play Angela Bennett? And what was the software company? Cathedral? And the bad software was called?


Nov 07, 2005
12:41 PM EDT
tuxchick: don't forget that per agreement with SCO the lawyers' fees are capped, and if I understood correctly from January 2006 on they will basically be working pro bono. Do you really think they are going to make an effort of it when they don't get paid? Boies & Schiller in this case have no other incentive than money. So expect the quality of their motions to get even worse with time.

Nov 07, 2005
12:44 PM EDT
Most real life business scenario's are at least that bazaar, but then so are the screwup's. That's why we're never sure....

Nov 07, 2005
12:54 PM EDT
Wait. SCO's attorneys got $6 million up front. yes? The guys who represented Al Gore in Florida?

Nov 07, 2005
1:24 PM EDT
Tom, I'm giving you a new job title- Paranoia and Conspeeeracy Editor. :)

It does explain Boies et al long history of famous losses. Otherwise we're left with lame sports analogies: "We offensed 'em better and outplayed 'em from start to finish. But they put more points on the board."

Tsela, didn't they also get a chunk of ownership? Oh yeah, that pro bono thang again...

Nov 07, 2005
2:40 PM EDT
tuxxie: just a minute. eyes an investi gator. certified and avery thang.

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